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Writer's pictureVeronica Cline Barton

Veronica's #WritersDiary, No Foolin'! It's an Almost-Royal #BookBirthday Eve!

Happy #AprilFoolsDay Eve! I'm feeling rather aglitter today, for tomorrow is the #BookBirthday for Twins in the City: Playtime at Castlewood Manor! The sixth book in My American Almost-Royal Cousin Series (can you believe it!) will be live on the seller platforms tomorrow (Apple; Barnes & Noble Nook; Kobo; Thalia;; Angus & Robertson) and last but not least, Amazon.

Much of the action in this latest tale takes place in the affluent dwellings near Kensington Palace (one of my favorite royal abodes to visit when in #London), but lest we forget--we'll start this cozy mystery on the pink shores of #Bermuda at the fabulous, fictional #PrincessResort, that, IRL bears, ahem, a striking resemblance to the Hamilton Princess & Beach Club Fairmont property! We hope to be there later this year once our jabs are received and travel commences. I am so looking forward to walking the resort locales where Gemma, Kyle, Figgy and the twins spent time...let's hope our real life holiday is a bit, less dramatic, LOL!😎💖👑

*Pictures courtesy of Hamilton Princess website

Huge, huge thanks once again to Bibiana Krall and her Compass Bespoke Creative Services for all the heavy, tech lifting these past few weeks to make sure the book has a cracker debut! Get the champers chilled and those cocktail shakers shaking, darlings, it's almost time for another almost-royal mystery!💖🍾🥂🍸👑 #Cheers It's Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

Pssst...It's a Sneak Peek Performance!

As I've mentioned before, the play featured in Twins in the City, is based upon a short story I wrote for the Hearth Fires scary tale collection with Bibiana Krall. For Twins, Vintage Vibrations (story-trailer above⏫) is the fictional pop-up play in London's famous West End that wreaks all kinds of theatrical havoc in this latest, cozy tale.

In honor of the Almost-Royal #BookBirthday Eve, Bibiana Krall (playing Veda Norton, the role our favorite actress, Jillian Phillips (aka Mama aka Glammie) assumes in Twins), Bruce Barton (narrator) and yours truly (playing Allie Michaels, the role of??? Well, you'll need to read the book for this one, LOL) have put together a theatrical🎭, line-reading performance for your enjoyment. At the end of Twins in the City will be this script--perhaps you can sit by the fire one evening and have your own line reading experience--it's fun! Gemma definitely approves, sound up! 💖👑

Mysteries on the village beat this week from the writers of Twitter...

Author T.P. Fielden, The Riviera Express (A Miss Dimont Mystery, Book 1), 5

Life in the scenic, coastal town of Temple Regis is never dull. The arrival of famed actor, Gerald Hennessy has Riviera Express reporter, Miss Judy Dimont and her photographer sidekick, Terry Eagleton scrambling to the station for pictures and an exclusive. When the train arrives with its star cargo, the celebrity scoop takes a tragic turn into a quest to learn the cause of death and the reason behind his ill-fated journey.

As Miss Dimont and Terry begin inquiries on the famous thespian's demise, they're notified by the Express desk that another death has occurred across town in the exclusive area of Bedlington-On-Sea that they need to chase down, post-haste. This time the deceased is an opinionated local, Arthur Shrimsley, who has taken a fatal tumble off a steep cliff. As Miss Dimont and Terry race to the scene, the who-what-why questions begin to mount about the two fatalities. A pressing dilemma for reporter, Miss Dimont also includes which victim will lead the Express's front page headline.

Author Fielden weaves an entertaining tale of mystery that gives you an exclusive look into the back stories and conundrums uncovered in this charming, resort town, peppered with the humorous workings and scribing turmoil occurring at the news desks of the Riviera Express. A widowed actress and village locals provide Miss Dimont numerous leads--will her keen, reporting skills get to the bottom of the story? A witty whodunnit set on the shores known as England's Riviera, highly recommended!

Next up in the poetry queue:

And just in case you didn't get enough almost-royal mystery today...

Get those crowns ready--I'm on deck later today on the YouTube #BOOKEM channel discussing the debut of Twins and its #AprilFoolsDay release. I'll also be chatting about one of my fav, royal, mystery reads this year from best selling author, T.P. Fielden, Stealing the Crown! It's an Almost-Royal Extravaganza! See you soon!

NEW FUN! Musings on Prevailing Conundrums from our Favorite Ghost at Cherrywood Hall!

The spirits are watching and Auntie Pippa still has plenty to opine! As events warrant, she'll spill her ghostly, genteel ponders, peppered with a dash of drollery and sagacity, on the conundrums popping up on the Earthly plane that have her crowns spinning. Enquiring minds and all that--fact mingled with fiction--all in tongue-wagging fun--etcetera, etcetera. If you have a question for our almost-royal pundit, let me know! 💖👑

This Week: Dear Auntie Pippa, My sister-in-law has made it known on a very, public platform (Oh...), an incident that happened eons ago (well maybe 3 years) in the days before her wedding (the public spectacle one that wasn't, ahem, the quote-unquote, real one). Claims were made that I can't disavow due to my current position (endlessly frustrating really, I now have to purchase a new Royal Collection Trust teapot to replace the one that, ahem, mysteriously shattered against a few of our cherished brother's wedding photos a few evenings back--ghastly mess). Should I break protocol or keep my stiff upper lip zipped? Signed: Q2B

Dear Q2B: I have found when one is unwittingly drawn into these PB4P (Public Blubbers for Pay) situations it is always better to keep one's response in stealth mode. I have it on good authority from the ghostly grapevine, your zipped, upper lip is causing more than a few bits of shattered glass across the pond. Keep the teapots and protocol intact dearie, you have far more important things to do than sweep up shards of shady speculation. 💖👑

Welcome to my world. Enjoy the new month of #April, #AprilFoolsDay and for those celebrating, a very happy #EasterWeekend friends!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. I hope the Easter Bunny brings you loads of goodies! ( the chocolate) Stay tuned for next week's post--I have author/poet Derek R. King featured as my guest, you won't want to miss it! Gemma and Rikkhe approve! 🐰🐣💖👑

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Mar 31, 2021

Wow! So much amazing creativity in this post! The line reading is such a cool idea. And Auntie Pippa giving advice! Happy Book Launch Day!!

Veronica Cline Barton
Veronica Cline Barton
Mar 31, 2021
Replying to

Inspired and very excited, Jena! The line reading with Bibiana and Bruce was funny, fun, fun--and you know Auntie Pippa, she does want her opinions known (logs drop in fire, sparks fly)! xo 💖👑

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