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Writer's pictureVeronica Cline Barton

Veronica's #WritersDiary, #InspirationResearch at Big Bear!

Oh, happy days--we finally made it up to Big Bear to experience the chilling temps and snow! My snow boots were so happy after sitting unused in a dark closet for over a year, LOL (I knew exactly how they felt😜 ). The weather was gorgeous during our stay--invigorating, winter beauty without the slush and mess.

This was our first, official road trip of the year. #SocialDistancing and #Mask policies were strictly enforced. Sadly, many of our fav restaurants were not open--most had closed due to not having outdoor patios or have been reduced to limited operating hours during the weekend. Not sure how long many of these vendors will be in business, especially for a resort town who counts on a robust, winter/ski tourist season.

The lake looked stunning against the rocky backdrop. We drove around the perimeter and were glad to see the water levels up from last year. I was thrilled we were able to get out of the house--the fresh mountain air and crisp temps gave me a much needed morale boost. It's going to be some time before things get back to any semblance of normal, but it was nice to take a first, baby step into the great outdoors. Here's to cold, winter days! It's Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

Round Two of #Editing Has Begun!

Knock on wood, we've gone through the first round of edits and I was pleasantly surprised! A few re-worked scenes as expected and of course, the misplaced commas, quote marks (not funny Word fairies!). Slowly but surely the book baby is shaping up. Next for me...the #Blurbs! Nothing like trying to summarize a 315 page book into two paragraphs... 💖👑

Sometimes they come back....this week from the writers of Twitter..

Author Peter Straub, Ghost Story, 5

For the aging members of the Chowder Society, the gatherings to tell ghost stories is a cherished event, until the deaths and nightmares start to occur. A guarded secret from the past slowly emerges. Are the gruesome ends and haunted dreams a result of a wronged spirit's wrath?

Author Straub takes us on an unnerving journey between the past and present as we learn more about the lives of the friends and the deeds that have taken them to the edge of darkness. Will they be able to rectify the sins of the past, or pay the ultimate price?

Ghost Story is a chilling tale of spiritual revenge, with many gripping moments. A complex, supernatural read, perfect for those dark and stormy nights!

Next up in the #reading queue:

Join us later today on our #BOOKEM YouTube Channel!

It's a #marketing, #editing and #wip #Mayday discussion this week with Amy Reade! See you soon!

Welcome to my world. Have a fabulous #week and #weekend friends!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. My lovely cousin, Paula unearthed a never before seen picture of our Ma and Pa Cline, circa 1915, dressed to the nines! Such a treat to see this--Florence is just a bit younger than Auntie Pippa, I'm starting to see the family resemblance! 💖👑 Gemma and Rikkhe approve!

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3 Kommentare

24. Feb. 2021

Ooh, I love the photos of Big Bear! It looks just gorgeous. Those colors...

And what a great pic of the Clines! Can you imagine having to wear clothes like that all the time??

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24. Feb. 2021

Big Bear looks incredible! I want to swim in that icy lake. Huge congrats on getting closer to the launch of Twins in the City! Totally love the family photos. They really knew how to put on the dog back in the day. I look forward to your blog every week. 🌸☕️🌺✍🏻

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Veronica Cline Barton
Veronica Cline Barton
24. Feb. 2021
Antwort an

Thank you, Uberhappy! We loved the cold and yes, I agree--my Ma and Pa look pretty spectacular--enjoy your day! 💖👑

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