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Veronica’s #WritersDiary, I Love the #Night Life???

I’m gonna boogie as much as I can these crazy nights (and days), LOL. My sleeping schedule has been totally blitzed these past months as I’ve plowed through the writing of my fifth book to keep occupied (and somewhat sane). I’ve also experienced the ‘social anxiety’ the #quarantine lockdown has brought to us all. Whether you feel it or not, the angst of this situation is affecting us–whether through insomnia, depression, listlessness, confusion (what day is it?), feelings of isolation…it helps of course to get out when you can, abiding by the social distancing rules that are in place for your location. We only go out when necessary and have adjusted our lives accordingly. For me, I am up at all hours these days and have been trying to enjoy my newly formed ‘night life’. The cats don’t quite know how to take my new hours (I’m such a rebel 🙂 ), but as long as they are fed when I go downstairs, they seem to have acclimated to the erratic schedule. I thought for this post I’d pull out some of my favorite nighttime pics before the #quarantine for you to enjoy…

Hearst Castle Twilight Holiday tour, December, 2019

View of the London Eye from the Marriot County Courthouse on the Thames, sunset view of Big Ben and the Parliament building, May 2019

Catalina Island, Hamilton Cove and view of the Casino, July, 2019

Las Vegas, Paris Hotel Eiffel Tower, view of the volcano in front of the Mirage Hotel, August, 2019

I wonder if I’ll ever get back to a normal routine–although these days/nights I question what is normal? This I do know, I have a new appreciation for the many things I took for granted, or didn’t even take the time to notice before the #lockdown. I hope as our societies start to emerge from this unprecedented situation, we all take a moment to say hello and oneday give a hug to others. Most of all, I hope we can appreciate the luxury of non-quarantined freedom. It’s Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

Double Trouble comedytragedy masks

#AmEditing and Loving My New Book Promo Graphics! 

The editing of Double Trouble Showtime at Castlewood Manor is going swimmingly–thank goodness some things don’t stop during quarantine #lockdown! I have to thank Theresa Snyder once again for her tremendous insights and suggestions. I am loving this story more and more, and much of it is due to her guidance and inputs. If you’re writing and are looking for editing services, I highly recommend speaking with Theresa. You can check out her services here:

In addition to the editing not being quarantined, neither is the design of new book promo graphics! Author/Designer Ellie Douglas has worked her magic and has come up with some great new materials for me to use in marketing and promoting my books. I’ll show some of the favorites–what do you think? You can check out Ellie’s design services here:

a young girl reading fragonard 1771

Heartbreak and suspense from the #writers of Twitter this week…

Author C.A. Asbrey, Innocent Minds, The Innocents Mystery Series Book Five, 5 STARS

A heartbreaking loss brings Abi and Nat’s relationship and sanity to the edge of oblivion in Author Asbrey’s fifth book in her The Innocents Mystery Series. A revenge fueled act inflicts horrific pain and sorrow beyond the imagination to those who dared to challenge their evil deeds. Abi is forced to make a decision that may change the future of her relationship with Nat forever.

Pinkerton agent Dr. Vida Cadwallader arrives on the scene to help her ailing friend, risking the wrath of Nat and Jake as she disappears with Abi to seek an unorthodox treatment in an asylum. Will these treatments work? Or will Abi succumb to her sorrow? Mysteries abound with the patients and doctors, revealing many secrets. In an unexpected twist, will these dark clues help Jake reunite him with his missing love and children?

Trust, collaboration and an undying love hold the human spirit together in this latest tale of heartbreak and mystery. I am a huge fan of Author Asbrey’s series, and this book did not disappoint. A great read, highly recommended!

Next up in the #reading queue:

I wanted to take a minute to air a grievance I am currently having with Amazon regarding my book reviews. I purchase all the books I read and review with my own funds. I do not charge for book reviews, nor do I expect anything in return. I use Amazon links to the books I read and review on this blog, and in the tweets and posts I make on social media. In 2 instances this past month, Amazon has not let me publish my reviews on their site. I have launched a protest weeks ago, but to date have not received any response from them. I’m going to give them a #quarantine break for the time being, for not getting back to me, but once things do return to normal and this situation continues, I will be reevaluating my continued efforts. Let’s hope these 2 omissions were a fluke and will be corrected. This saga continues…unfortunately.

Savoy American bar

London Dreamin’, The American Bar at the Savoy Hotel 

Believe it or not, living in #lockdown, I am actually working on Book 6 in My American Almost Royal Cousin Series! Call me cray-cray, but since I likely have at least another month to go in quarantine, I’ve begun planning out the next sequel. This story will take place in London as Gemma looks for new city digs for her family…I have a hunch she and Kyle just might be stopping at the fictional Beauchamp Hotel during their stay, which has a very close resemblance to the Savoy, #JustSayin. For my preparation research (#PR), I thought I’d dust off the cocktail recipes from this luscious bar that just might find their way into this next story, and perhaps even partake in a sample or two….enjoy!

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Welcome to my #writer’s world. Enjoy your #week and #weekend friends!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. Hope you are hanging in there and are staying well. The month of May starts on Friday, and with it a fresh new start for many of us as we transition back into social activities (I may even be able to get my roots done next week, yay!). Gemma and Rikkhe definitely approve! 🙂

HCP garden glowers

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