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Writer's pictureVeronica Cline Barton

Veronica's #WritersDiary, Celebrating #Independence!

In just a few days, we'll be celebrating the 4th of July holiday in the U.S. Today, I wanted to take a moment to reflect and be grateful for the independence we are starting to enjoy coming out of the lockdown world of the #pandemic. No doubt, 2020/2021 sent us some experiences I for one never wish to repeat. The good news is that the vaccines seem to be working, travel is in the plans for many, and the sounds of conversation and laughter is heard once more in the public venues! I will never take these sweet jollities for granted again...

I'm so excited for the fun activities/trips we have lined up in the next few months--back to Paso Robles and the fabulous Allegretto Vineyard Resort to visit with family and celebrate hubby's birthday; a super fun night out at the Laguna Pageant of the Masters--if you haven't been to this fabulous event it's a must see for the bucket list. As you sit under the stars in the amphitheater, paintings come to life in this amazing show!

The theater at Solvang is open once again--this year we'll be listening to the jazzy tunes of singer Billie Holiday in their outdoor, summer production. To round out August, we're off to NOLA for the Bouchercon mystery conference! I can't wait to see my writing friends and sissy who are traveling to attend this thrilling gathering. I have a feeling more than a few good times are gonna roll!

From sea to shining sea--wishing you a a fabulous, fun-filled 4th of July celebration---enjoy our newly restored freedoms to the fullest...It's time to grill and chill! It's Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

Bring on the #ChristmasInJuly Promos!

I can't wait to showcase two of my books that have some stunning scenes set during the holidays! The Crown for Castlewood Manor features a sleighride into the village of Maidenford for Christmas Eve service, and a smackdown with an ex of Gemma's that had me giggling. Let's not forget the BIG announcement on New Year's Eve...Gemma's destiny takes a dazzling spin!

And then we have Mistletoe and Mayhem: Yuletide at Castlewood Manor. This tale contains a big shift in the series and has some heartwarming moments that still leave me dabbing at my eyes. A beloved character's life is hanging by a thread, wedding plans are in the works, and the future of the Lancaster peerage is causing family angst. Of course, there's plenty of evil lurking in the halls of Cherrywood...Father Christmas has his hands full indeed! This is one of my favorite stories in my series.

Happy selling! LMK if you have #books you're promoting, I'll be glad to RT!

Deadly flutters this week from the writers of Twitter...

Author David Toft, A Gift of Butterflies (the Butterflies Trilogy, Book 1), 5

During a terror filled night in the woods, a dark entity bestows a capability that changes the course of four people's lives forever. They soon learn the gravity of their situation when bodies start to fall after fleeting thoughts. Anyone who antagonizes them is at risk of being annihilated. Even more terrifying, their little circle is not immune to the bodily flutters that summon a catastrophic end.

Two of the surviving members, Mark Aldridge and Susie Philips, have parted ways in an attempt to avoid any unplanned consequences of the deadly flutters--the risk of staying together is too frightening. When Mark meets an intriguing woman in Ireland, he puts his thoughts of Susie on hold, but his control of the flutters begins to unravel. Jarring secrets are revealed--will a secret organization be able to decipher the unknown?

Author Toft weaves a chilling tale of a deadly power that leaves a path of destruction for both unsuspecting victims and anyone who dares to challenge it. This is a page-turning read that will keep you on edge. I cannot wait to read the next book in this thrilling series, highly recommended!

Next up in the #reading queue:

She's back, cheeky wisdom from our fav almost-royal from the other side...

Q: Dear Auntie Pippa, I love, er, I have a friend who loves to follow the #royals, but recent behavior, accusations and the plethora of posturing articles (on endless repeat cycles I might add) and less than genteel tweets have led to vapors (and perhaps a few martinis) on more than one occasion. I, ahem, she, is threatening to stop her regal watch cold turkey and make bird feeders with her crowns (LOUD GASP). I would hate for 'her' to give up the regal diversion and bejeweled wonders, do you have any words of advice that could ease my, um, her angst? Asking for a friend...

A. Oh my, first of all, crowns and birds simply do not mix. I have found the flying wonder's itty-bitty eyes do not take the glare from the bejeweled headsets very well and often cause the most unpleasant of releases to descend upon one's guests taking their tea in the garden (re; Splat).

The pitter patter of Lilibetan chatter has reached the hallowed halls of our other world and I have it on good authority the 'ones' are not quite amused. I have always found it best to sweep away that which gives one angst (re; tweeters (whatever a 'tweeter' is) and tabloids) and focus on the friends and activities that make one sparkle (and not cause those annoying, unplanned releases). Never give away the crown jewels, darling, and don't give up on the #royals just yet, the #aliens love them...💖👑👽 #TheTruthIsOutThere #ThisStoryIsDeveloping #UFOs #TheyreHere

A look back at #BOOKEM show #28 Holiday in Lockdown Part Deux!

Since it's almost #ChristmasInJuly, I thought I'd show a clip from one of my #BOOKEM shows from last year. The clip above features my #bookreview of Author Sandy Bazinet's charmer, Holiday Hiccups! It's an uplifting read, perfect for any time of the year. Also in this show I feature a few books that have the scoop on locales used in some literary favorites. If you're making #travel plans, you may want to check these books out. The link for the show is here:

Welcome to my world. Have a fabulous 4th of July holiday #weekend friends!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. The Pageant of the Masters is part of the Festival of the Arts of Laguna Beach exhibits and offers a truly unique, entertaining evening under the stars. Check out the link and enjoy, an amazing event I'm so happy to be able to attend once again!

Gemma and Rikkhe approve 💖👑

*Picture courtesy of the Laguna Festival of the Arts website

31 views6 comments


Jun 30, 2021

The Pageant of the Masters, well actually your whole life, sounds perfect! what I really love about your posts are your happy and positive attitude, your love of books and your willingness to support others. You bring such sunshine! Yes, happy July 4! Im a patriotic gal!

Veronica Cline Barton
Veronica Cline Barton
Jun 30, 2021
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Thank you for the kind words, lovely Jena and right back atcha GF! Our life is far from perfect but we are trying to make lemon drops from the abundant haul of 'lemons' that get announced each day!😁🍸🍋😳 Have a very, merry #4thofJuly! 💖👑 #HoHoHo


Jun 30, 2021

The Pageant of the Masters sounds amazing. What an incredible idea for a show! I'm so glad you and hubby can get out and enjoy it. You have some fab trips planned—I'm excited to see you in NOLA! David Toft's book sounds really eerie, but in a good way. :) Talk to you soon! 😍

Veronica Cline Barton
Veronica Cline Barton
Jun 30, 2021
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We are very excited to see the Pageant of the Master again, a truly unique night under the stars. Can't wait to see you in NOLA too, Amy--we're going to have fun! And David's book is truly a thriller--watch out for those flutters #Eek😳 Happy 4th of July!💖👑


Jun 30, 2021

Happy 4th of July and Yuletide? :-) to you! The story by David Toft sounds really imaginative. I plan to check it out today. So thrilled to hear the open air theatre is back in business after such a yucky summer last year we could all use some fun! 😍🕶️👙

Veronica Cline Barton
Veronica Cline Barton
Jun 30, 2021
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The best of both seasons, Uberhappy! Definitely recommend David's book--you have bees but his butterflies have a deadly sting! #JustSayin We are very excited for the Pageant and the outdoor musical coming up, sure have missed them! Happy 4th! 💖👑

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