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Writer's pictureVeronica Cline Barton

Welcome to Veronica’s #WritersDiary, Week 9

Lots of things happening this week, procrastination, unwritten pages, you know typical writer’s block kind of stuff. This whole process is amazing to me, how one day the words flow and flow, and the next, nothing. I’m doing some reorganizing and strategizing for book 3 to get my writing spirits rejuvenated. I’m bringing back some of my personal favorite pictures and clips to get into a better mood today, I hope they make you smile too. It’s Thursday, time for Dear Diary:

sitting on crowns get the point

How many engineers does it take to straighten a rug? Or, I now can personally attest to what it feels like to sit on your crowns….

Him: “Here, I’ll lift the couch up over here while you adjust the rug…” (I don’t see any wrinkles)

Me: “I can’t move the rug, you’re standing on it…” (That bulge is huge, it will never straighten out…much huffing and puffing)

Him: “Let me move over here and you can push it under the couch…” (Oops, the crowns crash to the floor)

Me: “Oh that’s just great, here, let me get them…” (With over dramatic sigh, sets the crowns on the couch)

Fifteen minutes later, the rug is positioned, the furniture back in place and I just want to sit. So sit I did, can you say #Ouch, #IGotthePoint, #LookBeforeYouSit ? You should have seen me jump, it was quite impressive….


The Telly Tiara statue is still evolving…

I’ve become obsessed with this fictional award show, and what I think the design of the statue would look like. I really like the bronze statue I found during a recent trip, I just can’t seem to find the right crown to top it off. This one’s too big, this is too small. The hunt for the perfect crown is on, one is never too tired or distracted to go crown shopping. Details matter, especially when it comes to crowns.  🙂

Some days you just need to chill…and duck the golf balls

The heat the past few months has been pretty oppressive and I am fast reaching my enough of this heat limit. The pool offers a brief respite from the heat, but you can only stay in the water for so long before you turn into a prune. Living on a golf course gives an added threat, golf balls that have veered way off their course. This week was particularly bad with these white projectiles bombarding the house and ricocheting off the roof. Our neighbor almost took a ball to the head! Could be a perfect mur-dah method though, #JustSayin … (quick, write this down…)

london horse hyde park

It’s getting close to London time….

I’m dreaming of rainy, cool days, walking around in wellies, and drinking at the pubs. We have just a little over six weeks to go before our trip, surely summer will be done by then! I’m lining up my castle tours and walking routes to see the mews, shops, and explore new neighborhoods. I love London, and can’t wait to tuck into my favorite breakfast of poached eggs, bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms and baked beans (Gemma’s favorite breakfast by the way). And have I mentioned sticky toffee pudding with Guinness ice cream? Yum!

smoke tonight

Thank goodness the smoke has cleared….

I have to say the fires last week got a little too close for comfort. This picture from last week shows the smoke descending into our neighborhood, blocking out the sunlight. Everyone was walking in the streets, staring up as the smoke billowed in. I had never seen anything like this before. I want to thank all the firefighters who risk their lives fighting these smoky behemoths.  These people are amazing and I want them to know how much they are appreciated. Now if we could just have some rain…

Hope you have a fantastic close to the week and weekend. If you’re writing, don’t get discouraged if you get a bit blocked. Step outside and enjoy the sites (just duck those golf balls). And please don’t sit on your crowns, not fun, believe me 🙂

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. Just one more picture today, of Ebbie giving me a side eye. Cats always make me smile (even if they look like they want to pounce on you). Gemma would approve 😉

cat side eye gif.gif
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