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Writer's pictureVeronica Cline Barton

Welcome to Veronica’s #WritersDiary , Week 8

Well this week we had quite the trip (more next week), taking the Amtrak coastal train from Orange County up to San Francisco for a little #InspirationResearch (IR) for book 3. We travelled all day, getting into San Francisco just before the midnight hour. As you can expect, when a hubby and wife are in close quarters, travelling for seventeen hours, let’s just say sometimes the tracks get crossed… It’s Thursday, time for Dear Diary:

There’s something About a Train Trip…

Him: “You want to do what?” (eyes open wide, takes a longer than usual sip of wine)

Me: “Think of it as research. The characters are going on a train in book 3 and I want to make sure I get the details right.” (‘hello, writer here’ kind of look given)

Him: “The train will take us over fifteen hours to get to San Francisco…” (begins to see the end of this argument, starts to think of what he should start packing)

Me: “It’s a bucket list trip, once we do it that’s it. And I want to get one of those little roomette’s, so we can have our own private space. You can take a nap…” (Gives a ‘I’m the wife’ look, point of no return for hubbies)

Two hours later:

Him: “OK, I’ve booked the tickets, and yes we have a roomette. Booked the hotel, airline tickets back…” (pick and choose your battles, men. Pick and choose…)

Below is one clip of the view we had from the train, riding along the California coastline–tremendously beautiful (more pictures next week). Hubby agrees. 😉

hyatt lobby sculpture

I think My Vertigo’s Kicking In…

We stayed at the Hyatt Embarcadero in San Francisco that has one of the most amazing lobbies I’ve been in. Have to say though that between the ceiling view (above) and the elevator views and floor design (below), my vertigo hit shockwave momentum! And no, I had not sampled the vino…

cable car cruisin

Cable Car Cruisin’

Him: “Let’s just take a cab, the cable cars might not be running…and we don’t have that much time in the city today. We were on a train for almost seventeen hours yesterday, didn’t you get enough of the rail rides?” (Hah! Rail ride argument a home run, she can’t argue with that! Stomach growls, somebody wants breakfast)

Me: “Oh come on, we’re in San Francisco, we have to take the cable cars! We can have some coffee in the lobby and then go hop on. (I had a double espresso, two sugars…in case you wondered who prevailed)

Buy tickets, get crammed into cable car—there are a lot of tourists in San Francisco in August BTW….but oh, what a view (Lombard St. below)! (and when we started the ride it was 68 wonderfully cool degrees)

lombard st view

irish coffee buena vista

Breakfast of Champions

Hops off cable car…wife tries to get Hubby to look at the goodies in the Buena Vista gift shop.

Me: “Look, they have a new Irish coffee Christmas ornament!” (never too early to start thinking about Christmas décor)

Him: “Uh-huh, we have a Buena Vista ornament, don’t we?” (moves quickly passed gift shop and heads to restaurant)

Me: “But look, this one is a silver glass one, with sparkles…” (bats eyes, pouting)

Him: “Let’s just eat some breakfast, please?” (Holds restaurant door open for wife and pulls her in.)

Me: “We’ll start with Irish coffees, please…” (I will get that ornament kind of voice)

Him: (it was the Irish coffees, see ornament below)

BV ornament

And just in case you fancy a try….

Really and truly, one of the best Irish coffee recipes I’ve ever had (Jamesons or your favorite whiskey will be just fine).

BV irish coffee recipe
Aussie readers

My Books Are Being Read in Australia!

So happy to see my Aussie friends reading my books, on a girls weekend at that! It’s an amazing feeling to know that your books are travelling the world. I would love to be there with them (they are in WINTER clothes, beautiful COLD weather). 🙂

Welcome to my world! have a fabulous week!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. Amtrak train ride along the coast is an awesome experience! Gemma would approve 🙂

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