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Writer's pictureVeronica Cline Barton

Welcome to Veronica’s #WritersDiary, Week 6

Well, once again, July is going out with a blast, a heatwave blast that is! Whew, I am soooo ready for some cool weather, there’s only so many gallons of water one may drink (and ice cream). I really do think Earth has inched closer to the sun (I was taught in middle school that just one inch would make a huge difference, 93 million miles minus an inch….think about it). Or perhaps Mother Earth has gone into menopause, cosmically sharing her heat flashes with us all (please take some primrose oil). Thank goodness the Hallmark Christmas movies are still on (until Saturday, yay), at least I can sit and imagine the cold… OK enough about the heat (please). It’s Thursday, welcome to Dear Diary:

sexy pizza

Gotta love those romance writers….they know how to paarr-ttyy

The RWA18 conference in Denver last week must have been some kind of fun! This pic from Twitter was posted by fabulous romance author Teri Wilson (whose books Unleashing Mr. Darcy and Marrying Mr. Darcy were made into Hallmark movies!). I wish she had posted the menu, I can just imagine the sexy pizza offerings (or maybe it would be best NOT to know). I laughed so much and then I got to wondering, what would a mystery writers conference pizza be named? Peppoiriotni Pizza? The Case of the Missing Anchovies? Sherlock Sausage? Midsomer Mushroom? Deadly Onions? (Aunt Pippa is partial to Pippa’s Pineapple (yes she eats pineapple on pizzas!)). Now if I found a CROWN pizza, I’d order that every time 🙂

Ebbie sideye

I think I’m being thrown some major shade….

I posted this pic of Ebbie on FB and Twitter because of the perfect side-eye pose. There was no doubt from the responses I received that the cat was planning ways to kill me (she is a mystery writer’s cat you know). I’m always amazed at the responses you get from posts. FB friend Judy was right in the murderous spirit reminding how ice cycles are the perfect murder weapon (no fingerprints, and they melt, leaving no trace). Amazing how many people (and cats) have mur-dah on their minds, I’m still thinking about my cousin Liz’s suggestion of taking people to pig farms, for supposedly when they eat you there’s no trace because of the similar DNA. I think the heat is getting to everyone, time to change this subject… #Justsayin

Apollo connection

Missed it by one mission…

Last week marked 49 years since the first moon walk from Apollo 11, bringing back many nostalgic memories for me. I remember watching the first walk, sitting in my grandparent’s house in rural Kentucky, hunkered down watching a black and white TV. Kids were on the floor and adults strained to watch the small screen. I can still hear my Grandpa saying “Ain’t no way you’d get me up thar.” It was an amazing thing to watch back then, the whole world held its breath…

I was lucky to have spent some time working with Apollo 12 astronaut, Alan Bean, for an event I put together for some major customers. It was an honor to work with Alan, even for a short while. These astro men are true heroes in my eyes, and they definitely have the right stuff. Your cell phone has a zillion times more computing power than the computers used during the missions of that time. Think about that! And don’t think about the fact that they were provided by the low cost bidder. Government contracts, yikes….

teenage sheets

Blast from the past…

There was a trend on twitter last week that made me smile, #MyTeenageBedroom . Most posts showed GIFs and pictures of messy bedrooms. There were a few throw back posters (I was looking for a famous (and at the time, quite scandalous) Burt Reynolds poster with him in a football jersey and nothing else, his behind beaming right at you. I was given the poster as a Christmas gag gift in 1975 by classmate Daryl) But alas, the poster did not survive. However, I actually have a teenage sheet set that is now almost menopausal age (43 years). They’re still going strong BTW, and I am still in love with the Marimekko pattern (love the bright colors), even after all these years. Sigh.

Brave readin the crown for castlewood manor

The greatest honor a writer can receive…

My Twitter friend Brave sent me this picture of her getting ready to read my book while she’s on vacation. It’s an amazing feeling to think of the readers who join you in your fictional worlds. I’m very grateful to all the readers who have journeyed to Cherrywood Hall, Gemma and Aunt Pippa are dying to meet you.

Hope your week is going well. Have a great weekend everyone! Be cool!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. In all seriousness friends, take care of yourself in the heat. Drink lots of water and stay in the shade. Gemma would approve 🙂

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