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Writer's pictureVeronica Cline Barton

Welcome to Veronica’s #WritersDiary, Week 5

What a week, getting to spend a few days on beautiful Catalina Island! Ocean breezes, fun in the sun, and of course the beautiful views. We hadn’t been over to the island for three years, and this trip did not disappoint. Hubby and I had an amazing time exploring new parts of the island that we hadn’t seen before. Of course when a husband and wife drive together, yes even in a golf cart, uuhhmm, well let’s just say things happen… It’s Thursday, time for Dear Diary:

casino night

The Best Part, Seeing the Island at Night

Our condo that we stayed in at Hamilton Cove included the use of a golf cart, the only vehicle that is widely used on the island (the roads are very winding and narrow, the wait to get a car permit can take years). We were super excited about this, not only because said condo was a couple miles out of town, involving lots of ups and downs on winding roads, but because we could now venture out at night, something we had never done before on previous trips.

Me: “Shouldn’t you be wearing your glasses?” (Stating obvious in full wife mode)

Him: “I’m fine, it’s not that dark out yet.” (Blah, blah, blah, here she goes again)

Me: “Stop, no right there. Up just a little more so I can get the shot. Watch it! We’re too close to the edge! Up just a bit more, can’t you see?” (Wheels grinding in dirt, significant huffing and puffing as he tries to maneuver golf cart to wife’s never ending ‘bit more‘ requests (there were only 15 or so))

Him: “Did you get it?” (Still huffing and puffing, clearly in need of another glass of chardonnay)

Me: “Yes I think so. I should have put on my glasses probably…” (I can see, really I can’t can)

Him: “Are you kidding me???” (Guns golf cart as we speed back to condo, jumping speed bumps) “Next time, you drive, darh-ling….” (Looks over at wife—contemplating who knows what. Schedules golf cart driving lesson the next morning. Pours big glass of chardonnay upon return to condo. Final huff—peace restored.)

oh deer

Traffic Jams Everywhere You Go

Me: “Stop!” (Brake pads smoke as hubby stomps brake pedal a bit hard)

Him: “What is it?” (Looking nervously around for the dead body he must have hit unknowingly, clearly forgetting he should have given wife that golf cart driving lesson)

Me: “There.” (Pointing at the deer and stopped golf carts on other side of road, 20 feet in front of us)

Him: “I saw the deer, it’s over on the other side.” (Shakes head, starts golf cart to continue down the hill)

Me: “Stop!” (golf cart jerks to a halt) “The motor scares them, let’s just wait here until they’re done petting it.” (wait 10 more minutes)

Note***Two mile trip into Avalon has 4 more stops. Deer are everywhere on this winding road and ARE NOT afraid of the noise of the golf cart engines BTW.

Deer: “Humans!” (Shakes head, goes to the next golf cart to get next snack and head rub)

cata tile2

Catalina Tiles Are Amazing

Tiles are one of the artisan specialties here on the island and are sold just about in every shop in town. The colors are brilliant, and you can get just about any design you want…

Me: “Ooh, look at this one. Don’t you think we could put this up by the pool?”

Him: “No.”

Note***Next time do shopping sans Hubby.

pet semetary 2

Pet “Semetary” Catalina Island

Me: “Stop here, I want to get a picture of this.” (Hubby pulls over wondering why in the Sam hill he’s stopping here, stays quiet (pick your battles men))

Me: “Let’s get out of here. It’s super sweet, but all I can think of is Stephen King’s Pet Semetary story. I swore I saw something move.” (Goosebumps appear on arm)

Him: (Silence, nada—just starts golf cart and waits for next wifely command. Very wise man.)

almost royal jewel rings2

Well No Mermaid Crowns But….

Me: “I just want to go into this store to see if they have any crowns….” (I absolutely need another crown, especially a mermaid crown)

Him: “I’ll wait for you outside.” (Puffs and grins, arms crossed, no crowns in there, but let her go in, say nothing, she’ll be back out in a sec…)

20 minutes later, Hubby walks into store, spots me in line to check out. Shakes head as he sees almost royal crown jewel rings. Walks back outside. Sometimes just better not to say anything. Lost cause, there’s always something men. Always something.

avalon back1

Beautiful Avalon

Hubby and wife stop at side of road and just stare at the view, arms around each other. Sometimes no words are needed. For a brief moment in time, marital bliss.

Bye Avalon, Until Next Time…

Me: “Best trip we’ve had here. I think we should move…” (Thinks of the romance of living on an island, except those golf carts are kind of like riding a lawn mower…)

Him: “Uh-huh, sure, dear. How about a Bloody Mary for the trip home?” (Stares ahead, moves quickly to ship bar. Pick and choose your battles wisely men.)

Welcome to my world. Hope your week was wonderful.

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. Avalon, Santa Catalina Island, highly recommended. Gemma would approve 🙂

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