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Writer's pictureVeronica Cline Barton

Welcome to Veronica’s #WritersDiary, Week 13

Lots of fun getting back into the swing of home life/writing life after the trip to Las Vegas and our anniversary this past Sunday. The weather is cooling down a bit each day, helping me to pretend a cool autumn is fast approaching, even if it is still 85 degrees outside during the day (I’ll take anything under 90 in a flash).  I’m starting to take out my boots, anxious at least for the nights when it is cool enough to wear them. They’re getting a good dust off and polish as I start to plan my fall attire (which for me here in southern California is still summer attire with a pair of boots on—a girl can dream though).

I am changing the schedule and format for future posts starting next week (see below). Time to refresh and reboot for the next season. Today I thought I’d show some more of the pictures and video clips I took on our Las Vegas trip (the only city I know where you can go around the world just walking along the Las Vegas strip) and anniversary dinner at the Ritz Carlton on the cliffs of Laguna Niguel. You’ll also get a sneak peak of the house decorated in its Halloween glory (yes I know Halloween is still 6 weeks away). It’s Thursday, time for Dear Diary:

Las Vegas at Night:

LV Night eiffel tower

Paris casino Eiffel Tower

We had dinner at the lovely Eiffel Tower restaurant which is located on the 2nd floor 9in homage to the Jules Verne restaurant at the ‘real’ Eiffel Tower in Paris.

LV night high roller wheel

Las Vegas High Roller Wheel

Just like the London eye, you can ride in the attached pods for a 30 minute experience to see the sites and lights of Las Vegas like no other.

Bellagio fountains and light show are one of a kind…

This was a view of the fountains from the Eiffel Tower restaurant across the strip. Fountains and lights show run every 30 minutes, spectacular to see

Gondolas in the Venice canals at the Venetian Hotel

Love this view of the ‘canals’, and yes you do get singing when you go on a gondola ride 🙂

LV english pub at venetian

And of course after your ride, stop by the pub for a pint…

Which we did of course, apple cider on tap, YUM!

LV forum statues

Hop over to Caesar’s Palace to the Forum shops…

Statues and marble detailing are amazing.

LV caesar forum

Fountain of the gods…

Truly beautiful against the ‘Rome’ sky.

LV forum mask chairs

Mask chairs to sit down in and relax…

These huge mask chairs were placed all around the forum, I am in love with them (Hubby, well, not so much…)

Fountain at the Venetian

One of the prettiest fountains at night, across from the Mirage Hotel

ritz carlton anniversary flower at table


From the cliffs of Laguna Niguel, we had our anniversary dinner at the Ritz Carlton sitting high on the cliffs. Gorgeous views and delicious food, fabulous anniversary present 🙂

Sunset from the Laguna Niguel cliffs…

Clip taken from the deck at the Ritz Carlton—loved the cloudy sky. You can see the sun trying to peak through off in the distance. The tiny black specs? Surfers!

halloween room 2

Yes, it’s beginning to look a lot like Halloween…

Room by room, the decorations are going up as I type. We have a little more than six weeks before the ghoulish night, and there’s a whole lot of lighting to go up! Halloween, the beginning…

ostrich dude


Fall is my favorite time of year followed with the holidays. I have an exciting few months coming up with the launch of book 3, some international travel, and lots of holiday fun. For this reason, beginning next week, I will be posting once a week only on Wednesdays. Expect to see a mix of writing and reading related topics, travel plans and pics, and a little bit of #DearDiary commentary/humor. I truly appreciate all of you who take the time to read my blog—your support is amazing and appreciated very much. Stay tuned, next blog post will be on Wednesday, September 19th. 😉

Whew! I feel like we’ve been on a whirlwind trip the past week. Welcome to my world. Enjoy the rest of your week and have a great weekend!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. Hope everyone in the  path of Hurricane Florence stays safe! Be careful, heed the warnings, and stay dry. Gemma would approve 🙂

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