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Writer's pictureVeronica Cline Barton

Welcome to Veronica’s #WritersDiary, Week 10

Week 10 for the #WritersDiary! Pretty amazing to think that summer is coming to an end—the kids are back in school, fall is approaching, and I’m anxiously awaiting the sips of my first Starbuck pumpkin spice latte of the year (OK, I’m pushing it a bit, but it’s been so hot). Living in southern California, where the temperature is perpetually hot with loads of sunshine, fall is more of an assumed state of mind for me, but that’s  OK, it’s still one of my favorite times  of the year. We’re planning some trips to places where I hope to enjoy cooler weather, rain (you know, those water drops that fall from the sky, I think), and enjoy the beautiful colors of autumn leaves. It’s Thursday, time for Dear Diary:

BP gates london

So excited about our upcoming trip to London, can’t wait to get some palace inspiration…

Me: “Did you see the list of palaces I want to go to when we’re in London?” (so efficient and on top of things)

Him: “Yes, I got it. We’re only going to be there for a week you know…” (note to self, check out nearby pubs at palace locations)

Me: “Well I found out that we could go to Agatha Christie’s house and go see “The Witness for the Prosecution” which will be playing London while we’re there too.” (Dreams of standing in Dame Agatha’s holiday home, Greenway, absorbing all kinds of writing inspiration. And an Agatha Christie play, be still my heart…)

Him: “Well I’m not sure we’re going to be able…” (Decides to shut mouth when he sees wife’s stare and just get to looking up schedules for trains to the castle locations and now Greenway House. It’s somewhat disconcerting to be married to a mur-dah mystery writer, #JustSayin. Pick and choose your battles men, pick and choose—and don’t forget to look for near-by pubs when you put together your travel plans)

donna salyers fabulous furs 2018 vest

So if it’s getting close to fall, it’s time for another faux fur vest….

I just love this one, with pink and gray, looks so girly. I’m sure Ma-ma would love it,” said Veronica the romantic, staring at the picture on the web, ready to hit, BUY NOW.

It’s 90 degrees outside, what do you possibly need with another faux fur vest?” Veronica the killjoy says, rolling her eyes, rattling her chains, that are still attached from her previous infractions.

But the nights are getting colder you know, and these faux fur vests are just right,” Veronica the romantic said, finger now within a micro-inch of BUY NOW button.

The night temps are in the 60’s, pretty far cry from cold don’t you think?” Veronica the killjoy said, rolling her eyes.

I think you just might need another week in the tower sweetie,” Veronica the romantic says, hitting the BUY NOW button with gusto.

The queen quite agreed, and poor Veronica the killjoy now has another week of chain and tower fun. Will she ever learn? One does not interfere when there are crowns, boots, or faux fur involved…

Some interesting things in the lobby of the Hyatt Embarcadero…

I had to share these pics taken during our stay in San Francisco. This is the bell desk at the hotel that is literally decorated with, bells! I just thought it was very clever, and the old bells got to shine once again. I’d love to do something like this at the house, but with two cats, I have a feeling we’d be subjected to strange ‘ding dongs’ at all hours of the night.

Sunday was World Photography day on Twitter…

I tweeted quite a few times, showing some of the pictures taken this year at home and on travel. We’ve been lucky to have seen some amazing sunsets this year, these were taken at the beach near our condo. I also shared these favorites:

The beach view from Malibu and Santa Barbara as seen from the Santa Ynez hilltops…

I love the Malibu beach picture, it reminds me of the view Gemma might see from her cozy beach cottage (which she can’t wait to see in book 3 BTW, she keeps egging me on to get her there, characters!). The view of Santa Barbara is from Hwy 154 in the Santa Ynez hills, taken from one of the pullout areas. It’s one of my favorite pictures—you can even see one of the channel islands out in the distance.

One of my favorite restaurants in the Fisherman’s Wharf area in San Francisco…

After our Irish coffee fueled breakfast at the Buena Vista, we walked back along the wharf area, which I am glad to say has been updated and improved dramatically from our stay a year ago. I loved the bright red walls of this restaurant, and the fish with their bubbles. This restaurant made me happy 😉

Welcome to my world! I hope you have a wonderful close to your week, and enjoy one of the few remaining summer weekends!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. Faux fur vest is offered by Donna Salyers Fabulous Furs, All products are faux, a very good thing. Gemma would approve 🙂

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