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Veronica’s #WritersDiary, What Would My Main Character Do? #WWMMCD

No, going to a pub is not exactly what I had in mind. (although, if I were in London, I might just be tempted, LOL) I had a series of life twists and turns this past week–some personal, and some #writing related. I didn’t react well, quite frankly (especially with respect to the personal item, which drove me into a bit of a mental tsunami). Even more disturbing though, I didn’t like how I was reacting—I needed to do better and not go down the rabbit hole of self-doubt and anger. Picking myself up by the boot straps (and putting on a crown, of course), I tried to think of how Gemma Lancaster Phillips, PhD, the main character in my books, would handle these unexpected life blips. So, in the spirit of #WWMMCD, I summoned her over for a visit.

The good news is we first started with cocktails (a big staple at Cherrywood Hall, thank goodness we’re both fond of gin and St. Germain martinis 🙂 ). Once we were seated comfortably by the firepit–we decided to list some of the positive things in our lives at the moment before we tackled the life stings:

  1. Our favorite #book moments and #locations (feature pic–love the Churchill Arms Pub in London, the flowers on the building are magnificent)–Hampton Court Palace, the Savoy hotel, roaming the streets of Belgravia and Notting Hill, cruising the PCH in Malibu…Traveling has taken on a whole new meaning for me now and I can’t wait for the next trip, and see what location ends up in the next book…

  2. The accomplishments we’ve achieved since our #writing journey began together a few years ago (4 books and counting, Gemma wants more stories of course—Auntie Pippa sent sparks flying in the firepit, she quite agrees)–the #writers and #readers we’ve been able to meet; joining new organizations; participating in social media; learning a new industry–my world is much different today than it was a few years ago–a very good thing…

  3. My creative mind has been unleashed–I don’t put limits on where I let my mind roam these days. I’ve learned to trust in my mental inclinations and explore new situations, feelings, reactions and processes. Creating MC Gemma and the characters at Cherrywood Hall have had a huge influence on me and allowed me to explore the possibilities, wherever they may lead…

  4. Freedom to live and be anything I want–I no longer box myself in–degrees, occupations, age, possessions, yada yada yada—I’m me, no more, no less. I don’t know what the future will bring, but that’s OK—I’m very grateful for today…

We did finally get to the matters at hand, discussing the options for each of my little life stings that had sent my mind whirling. It’s amazing how taking the time to focus on the good things puts the negatives into perspective. I got through my Zen drain and was able to realign my almost royal spirit (and OK, we did do a bit of boot shopping in the end, no surprise there). Stepping away from the drama to reflect on the positives worked. It’s OK to mourn the things that did not go as planned or expected, but don’t stay down. After my #WWMMCD fireside chat with Gemma, I spent the next few days #reading a terrific book (see my review below), spent time with my kitties, and worked on the new book outline. As Sir Winston Churchill once opined, ‘If you’re going through hell, keep going…’ Very wise words to remember, indeed—Gemma (and Veronica) most definitely approve. It’s Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

AmQuerying Mistletoe Mayhem Yuletide at Castlewood Manor Cover VCB

I’m making a few changes to my #query letter that I’m sending out. I’m allowing more room to customize each letter with details related to the receiving agent and tout the benefits of my story to/for them. I’ve received some great inputs from a few #writer friends of mine, and I think this new version works better in many ways. The secret is sending out queries every day. It only takes one…

go away reading

I was truly inspired by the #writers of Twitter this week…

Author D.B. Carter, The Cherries, 5 STARS

Mother and daughter, Marian and Susan, have endured many of life’s bitter dramas with their only escape being to stay with their life long friend, Vivian. Beaten down by years of abuse, they’ve lost all their material goods, arriving at Vivian’s with literally the clothes on their back. Next door at The Cherries, their new neighbors, Luke and Dominic, watch as these broken souls arrive. All of their lives are about to change.

We meet the residents of a charming village, buoyed by the efforts of many. There are secrets, fears, and those in poor health—but that doesn’t stop the uplifting attitudes and spirit of community, even when dealing with the cruel acts of a few. Marian and Susan are soon thriving in their new environs and are given the chance for a major life upgrade. New friendships, creative passions, and the gift of self confidence and trust allow each woman to bloom and grow. Romance is in the air as friendships blossom for some, but will past doubts and judgements destroy their newfound happiness?

Author D.B. Carter’s, The Cherries, is a heartwarming, bittersweet read that keeps you glued to the page–waiting to see what will happen next. As the characters and their situations unfold, we get to know their hopes and dreams, and the fears that sometimes paralyze them, spiritually and physically.  The story’s finale will keep you on pins and needles to the very end. This is a life tale that enchanted this reader, highly recommended!

Next in the #reading queue:

#SummerReading #ShoutOut to all the great #Authors whose #books I’ve had the pleasure of #Reading and #Reviewing

I had some fun this weekend putting together this video clip to highlight many of the great #reads I’ve been privileged to have courtesy of the Twitter #WritingCommunity. My #bookreviews are in the blog archives if you’re interested in learning more details. Most are also available on Amazon and Goodreads (with a few on BookBub if the #authors are a member). I’ve said it many times–there is some great talent here for sure!

Lunch at the Inn at Mount Ada, Catalina Island (former Wrigley mansion)

Fantastic venue for a delicious lunch, and the surrounds of an opulent past gone by. You’re offered three courses with this culinary experience, with multiple items in each course to choose from. And did I say a bottomless glass of wine if you so choose? The Inn at Mt. Ada, highly recommended! And the picture of the bookshelves? Well soon they will house some books of mine and a few friends–it never hurts to ask!

Welcome to my world. Enjoy the rest of your #week and #weekend friends!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. Feature pic this week is from my favorite pub in London, The Churchill Arms (love their cheeky sign décor & the cider on tap is #yummo). Gemma would approve! 🙂

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