Well our final 20th anniversary celebration was a delight. We drove over to the Ritz Carlton at Laguna for a lovely dinner overlooking the Pacific, watching the surfers ride the waves (that’s them, the little specs in the feature picture). We love going there early for a cocktail on their patio overlooking the cliffside. The view is magnificent and we were there just in time for some stunning September sunset moments. I love these ‘big’ anniversaries–hard to imagine two decades together (where DID the time go?), but what a ride it’s been! We’re looking forward to the next decade in our ‘golden year’ adventures, and all that it may bring. There’s never a dull moment, that’s for sure…
I’ve had some time to sit back and reflect on the past year so far–can you believe we’re 2/3 of the way through? I’ve got the orange autumn lights up around the house and the fall leaf garland, although when it’s 98 degrees outside it’s a bit tough maintaining that fall-like je nais se quoi (helpful hint: turn the AC down a notch and pretend 🙂 ). I’m trying to work out my schedule for the final third of the year–we have some great trips coming up (please, no more hurricanes) and I think I might just be ready to start my 5th book. I’m jumpin’ back in the #writing zone, taking another #chance…It’s Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

#AmQuerying: I just wanted to say how much fun I had at the last #PitMad session on September 5th. It’s a LOT harder than it sounds to condense a 300+ page book into 280 characters of mind blowing blurb (minus the room for the required hashtags)! But in the end, it was worth it–I received a literary agent *like* and submitted a query. Thanks to everyone who supported me with RTs! Next #PitMad (December 5th) info here:
#WritersTip: PitchWars process has begun! I’m looking at submitting as a mentee for Pitch Wars in the next weeks. Looks like a great program for #writers who are looking to find an agent and pursue a traditional publishing contract if you’re selected. You can find out the schedule and details here:
#AmMarketing: So excited that my website, veronicaclinebarton.com, is under development! My site design is being done by the fabulous Joy Hunt. I had no idea of all the details and decisions that go into to this. I’m looking forward to having an expanded platform–I’ll still be doing the weekly blog posts, but they’ll be sent from my website. I’ll keep you updated as we begin the transition over—look for some give-aways!

New worlds and Highland’s romance from the #writers of Twitter this week…
Author Emmy Bennett, Different Shade of Wynter, Storm Bloodline Saga book 2, 5 STARS
Change is in the air in Author Emmy Bennett’s Different Shade of Wynter, the second book of her Storm Bloodline Saga. Wynter Storm has reached her 18th birthday and is experiencing physical changes and memories she can’t explain. It’s time for her to learn more of her true heritage, and destiny. She must travel to a new realm with her father, Aunt Fran, and Cory to the kingdom of Ladorielle, its territories, and Dragonscale Island to meet the friends and family that will help her transition and introduce her to her heritage. The clock is ticking, her grandmother Moyer is possessed by the ruthless, evil spirit of Sarmira, who wants Wynter’s powers and will do anything to get them.
Deadly birds, gremlins, shape shifters, dragons and vampires surface as Wynter and her family travel through these mystical kingdoms, learning who is friend, and who is foe. Wynter struggles to understand what these new worlds hold, and what her role is to be to keep them united and conflict free. Her coming of age frustration consumes her at times, with bits and pieces of memories from long ago slowly emerging. Will she be able to handle and accept them before her fury destroys everyone and everything in her path?
A war is coming to these mythical kingdoms. As Wynter transitions to her rightful role, will she be ready to accept her destiny and fight those who are determined to destroy it? A powerful tale of a young woman’s providence into a magical new world order. A great read–I can’t wait for book 3!
Author Sue-Ellen Welfonder, Sins of a Highland Devil, Highland Warriors, Book 1, 5 STARS
Three clans inhabit the beloved Glen of Many Legends; the MacDonald’s, Cameron’s and Macintoshes–and each view the land as their own. Blood and pride in heritage run deep on these rocky grounds, unleashing a fierce sense of duty and preservation for each of their clans. The king has issued a harsh, blood-tinted decree–a fight between the clans to claim the Glen, whoever has the most men standing in the end takes possession. Tensions run high as the bitter day approaches—life on these cherished grounds will never be the same.
Catriona MacDonald–sister of her clan chieftain, with a strong-willed mind of her own, cherishes the glen and its legacy. She defiantly walks all the grounds of the glen, leading her into the path of rival chieftain James Cameron. Sparks fly when they meet, igniting a smoldering passion that grows over time, consuming both of them. Will their rival clan heritage and centuries of feuding extinguish their desires?
As the epic battle begins, hearts grow heavy, mourning for the destruction that will come. Spirits of the glen bring their magic to strengthen the ones in this life they hold dearest–but will it be enough to avert tragedy? An enchanting tale of love, steamy encounters and kindred souls reluctantly brought together by a king’s whim, and the dedication the love of the glen brings to unite them. A great read, highly recommended!
Next in the #reading queue:

Caturday Moment…
Had to laugh at this one–the moment when Ebbie wakes up and realizes she can’t feel her tail, LOL! We want a bigger cat bed, Maw!
T-Minus 9 Days for the Downton Abbey Film Premiere here in the U.S.!
Counting down the days ’til the big premiere! Have you scoped out the theaters yet to make your red carpet debut? We’ll be sitting back in the comfy reclining leather chairs sipping cocktails at our nearby Cinepolis Theatre to savor every moment–the only way to watch a movie, LOL! (wearing my crown, of course!) Can you say, swoon?! (official trailer courtesy of YouTube)
Crowns and Kisses,
P.S. On this September 11th–Peace and Blessings to all…Gemma would approve ❤
