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Veronica’s #WritersDiary, #Summertime, and the #Livin’ is….???

So here we are, second week of July–how we ‘doin? I hope everyone had a fabulous 4th of July weekend filled with loads of fun and food! We spent the weekend in #lockdown with the #pandemic raging here in California (Is anyone else confused by the response (or lack there of??)). But, we made plenty of yummies and spent time chillin’ at the pool (and watching a few Hallmark channel #ChristmasInJuly movies♥ #JustSayin).

hallmark christmas movies

The #summertime heat is on–I have loads of projects that should keep me busy for the remainder of this year even if we don’t get to do any traveling (sigh). I’m planning milestones and counting the days (trying to fast forward, if I’m honest) to #LaborDay, #Halloween, #Thanksgiving, #Christmas and then, dun-dun-dun #NYE2021—do you think we’ll make it ’til then? 🙂

#Pandemic #lockdown aside, it was such a fabulous weekend to launch Double Trouble: Showtime at Castlewood Manor! The books loaded on the seller platforms right on time without a hitch (thank you again, Bibiana Krall technical/book services!) and I can’t thank you enough for all your fabulous support, readers (and writers)–it’s truly, truly appreciated. I’ll be tweeting, posting, and yackety-yakking for the next few months in shameless self promotion mode–a #writer’s work is never done! It’s Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

royal crest DT

#AmWriting #AmMarketing #AmLovin’ these book reviews!

I’ve mentioned I’m working on Hearth Fires, with Bibiana Krall (out this #fall) and have started writing book 6 in the series–might as well git ‘er dun! I did receive a few fabulous reviews the past few days for Double Trouble that I thought I’d share (a very special thank you to Mark Schultz and Sue-Ellen Welfonder):

  1. I love this series! I feel right at home with all the characters, they seem like members of my family now. Veronica has such a deft touch with dialogue and action in her books. She keeps the pace moving so smoothly. Her description of the foods makes my mouth water at times. I desperately wanted some of that spicy cornbread. The dialogue is so witty at times, I get at least one chuckle or laugh on almost every page. The accounting of the characters’ apparel is sterling and helps me to see the characters in my mind. My favorite new character is a certain Scottish nanny, Figgy; she nearly charmed the socks off me. With nothing but praise for this book, I award an easy five stars to “Double Trouble: Showtime at Castlewood Manor”! Thank you so much for the hours of reading pleasure!

  2. Cline Barton soars to new heights with Double Trouble: Showtime at Castlewood Manor, the newest edition to her fabulous My American Almost-Royal Cousin Series. Dedicated fans and Anglophiles will swoon with each turn of the page, while new readers will fall in love with Gemma and her friends in this fun and sparkling addition to the series.Others will summarize the plot, so I’ll just enthuse over the author’s ability to create a riveting and delicious read. As a huge fan, I love returning to Cherrywood Hall, an atmospheric country manor house where everything is oh-so-British, and even royal – a perfect world, until it isn’t anymore and the mysteries and dangers slip in, weaving a spell, drawing you ever deeper into the story. Double Trouble is pure gold, grabbing the reader from the start and not letting go until you’ve read the last line with a huge smile and perhaps even a few fist-pumps in the air – for the sheer joy of the beautiful and oh-so-perfect ending.As an aside, I want praise the author’s characterization. Her story people are wonderful. Praise includes Pippa, the castle ghost and a personal fave. It’s always such a joy to spend time with them all, revisiting the main cast and meeting new characters introduced along the way. Two new ones shine in this story: Gemma’s longtime friend Rikkhe. And – oh, how I love her! – Figgy McEwen, the Scottish ghost-whispering nanny. There’s a darling new dog character, too – Teddy, who wagged his way right into my heart. Now the villain… I’ll just say I was stunned. That, too, is the mark of an expert wordsmith. I’d have never guessed the villain’s identity. Well, done! And that’s the thing about this series: to read Cline Barton is more than just ‘turning the pages.’ You live the story and want more. The books don’t disappear at the end. They stay with you and hearing of a new ‘Gemma’ release is like Christmas. A celebration!

Bottom line: Put the kettle on, get cozy, and enjoy a wonderful visit to Merry Olde! Highly recommended.

On the #AmMarketing front, this week I’ll be chatting with Mark Schultz on his website–it’s all things Double Trouble! Join us for a fabulous, fun discussion here:

a young girl reading fragonard 1771

A tres magnifique whodunit featuring a pint sized spy this week from the writer’s of Twitter…

Author S.P. O’Farrell, Simone LaFray and the Chocolatiers’ Ball, 5 STARS

Twelve year old Simone LaFray is a dutiful daughter and doting sister living in the beautiful city of Paris, who just happens to have a secret–she’s a covert agent! Her father runs a famous patisserie filling Parisian and tourist tummies with loads of yummies while her mother travels the globe as an undercover spy. Following in her mother’s footsteps–Simone takes on her first field assignment to catch an elusive thief.

Reynard Baresi, aka the Red Fox, keeps Simone and her colleagues on their surveillance toes, always managing to evade their grasp. Will they ever be able to catch him? On the LaFray business front, someone is sabotaging the LaFray Patisserie confectioneries. With customer’s disenchanted, the LaFray’s only hope for regaining the public confidence is to win the the prized Chocolatiers’ Ball award. Simone steps up to help her father with their ‘choco-mental’ task–will their good faith efforts be for naught?

Author O’Farrell has written a tale of intrigue featuring delightful characters that will keep this reader coming back for more! Simone LaFray is one to watch–this is a charming whodunit–I can’t wait to see what she’s up to next!

Next up in the #amreading queue:

Bookem banner with pics

It’s ZOOM ZOOM time with the three of us–join the #BOOKEM YouTube channel fun today at 1:45pm EDT!

It’s a #BOOKEM treat this week with Amy, Bibiana and me (yes, I am wearing another crown and pom poms 🙂 ). We’re Zooming this week and havin’ loads of fun, together! Join us for a fun time later today!

Welcome to my world. Have a fabulous rest of the #week and #weekend friends!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. If you’d like to pick up a copy of Double Trouble, Showtime at Castlewood Manor, check out these sellers (Gemma and Rikkhe approve 🙂 ):

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