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Writer's pictureVeronica Cline Barton

Veronica's #WritersDiary: My #MarchWish... 🍀

“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.”

Charles Dickens


Well, hello, March! I think the quote above from Mr. Dickens pretty much captures the chaotic whirlwind of the world's current state of affairs this month--and we're only 2 days in, LOL. This March is going to be one for the history books me thinks... Watching a war breakout and unfold with real-time, world reaction/coverage on the news and social media has been captivating, heartbreaking, and sickening. Have to say a ratchet up to #DEFCON3 by the DEFCON Warning System folks on Sunday was not on my 2022 #Bingo card... 👀⚛

The false flags, vicious vitriol, and war time pics/videos were tough to process after a while. Even more disturbing was the reveal that many/most of the pictures/claims/videos posted were years old and flat out false. Beware the Ides of Bots! (My sincere apologies to Will S.)

Deep breath. A belated "Laissez les bon temps rouler!" Yesterday was Fat Tuesday--I hope you were able to squeeze in a bit of debauchery before today's start of the Lent season! 😁⚜🎉🎈🥂

I'm taking this season of Lent to cleanse the body, mind, and spirit. With everything that's going on, I definitely need a mental and physical refresh. I plan on unplugging for the next 40 days and do a major reset. Mania mantras of Covid-Covid-Covid now Russia-Russia-Russia soon-to-be War-War-War are just going to have to take a back seat...

eBike rides, spa days and long walks here I come! Now that the masks are off (well, kinda), I'm determined to get out and enjoy the fresh air every day. March has always been a month of transition as the Earth pivots from winter to spring. In March 2022, we're emerging from two years of pandemic lockdowns and limited, social interactions and are now facing a world at war. It's going to be a bumpy ride, no doubt. Take time to reset and refresh this month---you've earned it and deserve it!


Wishing you a March filled with joie de vivre--let those good times roll! #MarchWish

It's Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

Closin' In...

My goal is to have this latest tale wrapped up NLT than the end of the month! My final writes/edits are in full swing for this deadline, no bouts a doubt it. I'll be ready to spend a long time at the vineyard after this one, LOL. 🍇💀🍷

One thing that is finally completed is the book cover design! I've been tweaking it quite a bit (sorry Danielle!) to get the colors and placements just right. Call me crazy but not having the cover finalized prior to writing did take a toll on the writing mojo & schedule---I just couldn't get into the writing zone. It definitely turned out to be my Achilles heel/writer's block. I am extremely happy to announce for the next 3 writing projects in 2022/2023, the book cover designs have been completed. 💖💀🌹❄👠👑 #Whew

We're adding to the #MurdersWeWrite Line-up!

Last week, I was super chuffed to have Cynthia Raleigh join Bibiana Krall and me on the #MurdersWeWrite discussion team on the Clubhouse app. This week, I'm doubly chuffed to announce Amy Reade has joined the chat too! The more the merrier--everyone who loves the topics of mystery are welcome! Next chat will be on March 13th: 'When Motives Go Rogue...'

Mystery and intrigue this week from the writers of Twitter...

Author Kelly Oliver, Betrayal at Ravenswick, A Fiona Figg Mystery Book 1, 5

A change in life circumstances leads to a fresh beginning for Fiona Figg. With the war raging, her husband has left her for another woman, sinking her into the depths of depression. She desperately needs a major change---will a daring, undercover mission for the war office rejuvenate her spirit and confidence?

Deployed to Ravenwicks Abbey with a new identity and purpose, Fiona takes on a gutsy, reconnaissance role as she trails a dandy believed to be a spy. She's soon involved in an unexpected situation at the estate when the matriarch dies mysteriously. Will her hunt for a spy lead her to the trail of a murderer? Will her undercover guise be exposed?

Author Oliver weaves a clever tale of mystery and deceptions with a daring heroine in this story. An intriguing read for mystery lovers!

Next up in the reading queue:

We're Goin' Green! 🍀☘🍀☘🍀☘🍀☘🍀

No real surprise, but with a new month comes new lights/decor for the season here at Cherrywood Hall west, LOL! The green lights are up; shamrocks and four-leaf clovers are aplenty; and it's time for a new wreath from the fabulous Elegant Designs by Lulu! Have to say, this one will make any Leprechaun smile! 🍀☘

Welcome to my world. Enjoy the rest of your #week and #weekend friends!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. Be still my heart (not too still)... Just four more days to go until the Season 6 premiere of Outlander! Who's ready to watch their favorite, kilted clansman and his lady love? Gemma and Rikkhe most definitely approve 💖👑 #March6th

***Picture courtesy of STARZ

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6 comentarios

04 mar 2022

The Unplugging sounds delicious! I hope you feel 100% rejuvenated, refreshed, and rarin'-to-go!

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Veronica Cline Barton
Veronica Cline Barton
04 mar 2022
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Thank you, Cynthia--getting there! Enjoy your weekend! 🍀✨🌹

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02 mar 2022

Happy Spring! Goodbye snow, Hello Sunshine! Thanks for the vivacious & energy-filled post. What a book cover! Lucky Me ☘️Lucky 🍀 You Lucky Us

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Veronica Cline Barton
Veronica Cline Barton
02 mar 2022
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Thanks so much for stopping in! Happy March, Jena! 🍀💖👑

Me gusta

02 mar 2022

What a great post! We made it to the Ides now it’s time to party like an Irishman. Survey says we might have a bonafide parade this year! Congrats to the writers mentioned. Love the steampunk cover! Be careful on that electro bike but definitely sounds super fun! 🍃✨Gorgeous minty fresh lights! You just made my day! Happy writing and rest of your week. Take care out there. Xox U🤩

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Veronica Cline Barton
Veronica Cline Barton
02 mar 2022
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Thank you, UberHappy! Out and about and feelin' fine. Hope you do get your parade--St. Paddy's Day in Savannah is awesome I'm sure! 🍀💖👑

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