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Writer's pictureVeronica Cline Barton

Veronica’s #WritersDiary, My 5 #Positive To-Dos for These #Pandemic Times!

Well the world has certainly changed a bit in the past week, #Wowza! Looks like I may have just taken my last #InspirationResearch (IR) trip for a while–flights are canceled, cruises dry-docked, and where has all the #toiletpaper gone? (my sincerest apologies, Peter, Paul and Mary) Now I know this spread of #coronavirus is very serious, and I’m all for staying safe and doing the right thing. I just want to put this in perspective and not give up #living while we wait for this to blow over (which it will, #Fact).

I decided for this post, to keep in the spirit of #optimism (with a bit of campy wit) and share my 5 positive to-dos for these #pandemic times. They’re not for everyone, and probably not that #earthshattering–but I’m not quite ready to throw in the towel just yet (especially the paper towels–if you can lay your hands on them, LOL). Here’s what I’m doing to get through the next few weeks with a #smile on my face:

  1. Since world travel is pretty much at a standstill, I have plenty of pics from our travels I’m going to share on social media–I’m sure you do too! Pick the pics that make you smile, share a beautiful sunset, and let’s all do a bit of virtual traveling! When this is over, I’m hittin’ the road, but ’til then…views from Bergen (feature pic) Laguna Beach, Victoria, Banff, and London…

2. Buying take-out foods, locally: Times are going to be tough for the small businesses the next few weeks+, especially the restaurants. We’re going to see closures and limited working hours enforced. As long as I’m feeling healthy, experiencing no signs or symptoms of being ill (if I do, I will #StaytheFHome, Tweeps, no worries 🙂 ), I’m going to go out to pick up my take-outs. The grocery aisles are pretty cleared out, so what better way to satisfy those #food cravings and help out the local businesses that are trying to stay afloat. Watch for the county shelter at home rules (they are changing hourly)!

3. Spring cleaning here I come! The list of honey-do projects is alive and well here at the Barton abode. We’ve actually started working our list–a few weeks back we had some pipes burst, which of course meant cutting holes in the walls to get to the pipes. Since we had to repair the drywall and re-paint, we decided to kick it up a notch in our little bathroom on the first floor. It was actually inspired by my favorite designer and new leading lady, Rikkhe St. Claire, who did a similar #loo look at Cherrywood Hall in the latest story…what do you think? (I’m in love with the black walls 🙂 ) What projects do you have?

black bath loo

4. Recipe time! For the bit of food supplies we have been able to buy at the grocery (and Amazon/WholeFoods online, they deliver–‘IF’ you can get a delivery time!)–I’m on a mission to try out some new flavors to lift our spirits in these #quarantined times (and that probably will include a few #quarantinis…) I’m gathering up the #cookbooks and #reading the recipes–looking for all things #comfort food! Do you have any fav #recipes/#cookbooks you’d like to share?

role of royal food in book2

5. Since we’ve all been told to wash our hands a ga-zillion times, I’ve decided to pull out the big #gloves! And no, they’re not disposable–but they can be cleaned! I don’t get a chance to wear these often, so #pandemic or not, time to bring out the finger #bling!

Fashion to die for blog pic

I guess that’s it for this week. I’ve never been through a global #pandemic before–so we’ll adapt the to-dos as needed the next few weeks. I’m grateful we’re here at home, safe and healthy for now, and that I can still reach out and talk/tweet/post with #friends all over the #world as we go through this #together–that’s a true #blessing. It’s Wednesday, time for #DearDiary

#AmWriting, and almost done!

The latest book is nearing completion! It’s such a huge relief, tinged with a bit of sadness to have the story completed. I truly love this story and it’s always fun to return to Cherrywood Hall, but I hate saying good-bye as this story wraps. But, no rest for the #writer weary,  it’s time for rounds and rounds of edits and proofing!

a young girl reading fragonard 1771

Dark humor from the #writers of Twitter this week…

Author John Dolan, Fun With Dick, 5 STARS

Richard ‘Dick’ Blackheart is sliding through life not as a participant, but someone who prefers to sit on the sidelines, emotionally disconnected, looking from the outside in. His constants in life are his comic books, his love for all things Superman,  a vitriolic sister, a feral cat who graces him with sporadic appearances, his rather dormant companion, Gastric–a friend whose life consists of eating, gaming, laced with bountiful bouts of flatulence, and trying to dodge the carnal encounters with Gastric’s lecherous mother.

Dick’s been in therapy for years after the untimely death of his distant dad and gin guzzling mother, but not even the jogging suit glam of Dr. Finkelstein can crack his emotion proof wall. His one bit of therapy dabble is a book project he’s started, How to Die Alone, Smelly and Unloved, but will he ever complete it?

One fate filled day, Dick’s life changes–his sort-of girlfriend dumps him, he’s fired from his meh job, and he decides to travel to Thailand with Gastric, all in one fell swoop! Dick’s a changed man, a man of steel, determined to follow his destiny–wherever that might lead. Author Dolan takes us on an emotion explosion journey as we witness the unfolding of Dick’s destiny and the eventual exposure of his kryptonite, shielded mind. Wiley wit, dark humor, and bittersweet antics keep you glued to the end. Satire is not dead–a read to put life and its trauma dramas into perspective. The ending will leave you gobsmacked, highly recommended!

Next up in the #audio #reading queue:

Lake on the Moon HE Wilburson

winchester mystery house skyview mural

Winchester Mystery House, Fun & GooseBumps!

The trip to the Winchester Mystery House last week with writers Bibiana Krall and Emmy Bennett was a very fun time for sure. Walking through the house, there were plenty of chills and oddities that left you shaking your head and giving you goosebumps. When we flew back home, I couldn’t help but feel a bit sad for Mrs. Winchester. Her house with its 10,000 windows and 2000 doors (many that led nowhere)–she kept up the mindless builds for 38 years, but is that the way to #live? Food for thought, especially in these #pandemic times. Here’s a few more pics from a great trip:

The famous door to nowhere, and the many types of rooflines….

The stained windows were amazing in the house, along with the wood trim details…

Welcome to my world. Enjoy your #week and #weekend friends! #BeWell

Crowns and Kisses (or do I say elbow bumps now? 🙂 )


P.S. #Reading books is a great #quarantine pastime, #JustSayin, here’s a few great #reads to consider from my 2019 summer reading list….Gemma and Rikkhe approve! 🙂

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