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Veronica’s #WritersDiary, Life in the #Quarantine Lane

My apologies to the Eagles, but this #QuarantineLife is pretty much like life in the not-so-fast lane these days–#CaLockDown (and I’m sure by this post, many more states); #ShelterinPlace, #StaytheFHome, #QuarantineandChillthe lights are on and everyone’s home, LOL. I’ve been getting a kick from reading the tweets and posts by folks who are sharing their funny experiences, thoughts, witty analysis on social media these days–sometimes it takes a crisis to bring out the best of us. (Although a message to those who elect to bare their bits in the Twitterverse–um, that would be a no.) To get this blog party started I thought I’d pull a few of my favorite coastal pics to share:

These were from our #roadtrips last year–our Amtrak coastal trek to San Francisco, driving on PCH north of Malibu, the central coast drive, and lastly beautiful Monterey. I can’t wait to get back out on the road once this #quarantine is lifted.

I’ve been self isolating this past week–off and on cough, slight fever, sore throat. I don’t think it’s the COVID-19 virus, I’ve had no breathing issues and have kept busy every day. Better safe than sorry, #JustSayin. I did want to give a #shoutout to two young women who were in line behind my husband at Trader Joes this past weekend. Hubby was stocking up on a few faves for me (muesli and frozen blue berries–life in the #senior lane). He had four packages of each (they’re small), but was told there was a two/person limit of any one item. The young ladies behind him overheard this exchange and immediately jumped in with, “We’ll get it for him.” This random act of kindness really touched him, and me, when I heard about it. So to those young ladies, and to all of you who reach out and help others during this #quarantine time, A BIG #THANKYOU!! It’s Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

Double Trouble Showtime at Castlewood Manor heart flag background4

Double Trouble is Now in #AmEditing Mode!

Oh, how I have laughed and cried this past week. This story has come to a close and wow, I really love this one. As per #cozymystery usual, the good times are always sprinkled with a bit of mur-dah and mayhem, causing many to head to the cocktail bar of course! Gemma has a fantastic psychic nanny who will capture you with her wit and cheeky charm. I also loved working Rikkhe St. Claire into this latest tale. I think I found my new MC’s voice and personality, and I can’t wait to put her front and center in the next book!

So, I’m in editing mode now and will soon engage the professional editing and proofing services of Theresa Snyder and Mark Schultz once again. They are both terrific to work with and add so much to the end product–I could not do it without them. You can check out their services here:

Theresa Snyder (@TheresaSnyder19)

Mark Schultz ( @wordrefiner)

go away reading

The Martian’s infiltrate the earth this week from the #writers of Twitter…

Author H.E. Wilburson, The Lake on the Moon, Volume 2 The Martian Diaries, 5 STARS

It’s 1919, and the Martian drama continues with Author Wilburson’s second volume in The Martian Diaries Trilogy. The menacing tripods have vanished, but a new hazard surfaces; the proliferation of a mysterious Red Weed that threatens to infiltrate and wipe out life as we know it, changing the course of human destiny. Astronomer Ogilvy and his trusted friend George are on a mission to obliterate the weed from the planet, but will their heroic efforts be effective?

Time travel, alternate realities and an evolution conundrum gives the reader/listener plenty to ponder as this SciFi saga unfolds. The story is skillfully narrated, complemented with sound effects and a custom musical score that takes you back in time, allowing the listener to delightfully experience the story events with the characters.

Author Wilburson’s trilogy is a enthralling companion to H.G. Wells War of the Worlds.  The Lake on the Moon is an audiobook treat, highly recommended!

Lake on the Moon HE Wilburson

Next up in the #reading queue:

victoria albert ball at versailles royal collection trust painting

A bit of #QuarantineLife Travel Courtesy of Google and Viking Cruises–Next Stop, Versailles! 

It certainly looks as if our booked cruise in May is going to be postponed, for how long, who knows? I’m very impressed with Viking Cruise’s emails they’re sending to enable folks do a bit of virtual traveling. I thought I’d share this link with you that has several clips on the history, decor, and art from the stunning Palace of Versailles. Very worthwhile when you have the time, you can check the clips out here:

Welcome to my world. Wishing you a lovely and healthy #week and #weekend!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. Special thanks and #shoutout to Hallmark Movie Channel! I’ve really enjoyed the Christmas movie marathon this past weekend! Gemma and Rikkhe approve! 🙂

dogs in red truck xmas

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