“For last year's words belong to last year's language
And next year's words await another voice.”
― T.S. Eliot
Well, hello 2022 and happy January!! New month, new year--time to re-boot and refresh! For this first post of the new year, I'm excited to have Dr. Summer Watson, MHS, PhD, as my guest. Dr. Summer is founder of KORE Women, ' a unique home for the hearts and souls of women, where they can Kinectically connect, Organically learn from one another, Reshape lives through diverse interaction, and Energize one another to promote change.'
In addition to her KORE Women focus, she is a strategic empowerment coach, a Doctor of Psychology, author, podcaster, film producer, speaker, seminar producer, philanthropist and entrepreneur! WOW!
I was privileged to work with Dr. Summer before the holidays with some one-on-one, personal strategy sessions. I took advantage of her four-workshop consultation package, to focus on the plans and initiatives I want to pursue in 2022. I was so impressed with the consultations and results--her guidance and methodologies really home in on the specifics you want to achieve and the steps you'll need to do to get there (in addition to identifying those barriers/obstacles holding you back).
I'm a keen believer in bringing in the professionals no matter how old you are or experienced; it's always worthwhile to bring in a helping hand to sort out and prioritize your objectives. It was truly time well spent and I can't wait to reap the rewards of the planning! So, let's get this New Year started with inspiring words from Dr. Summer:
Q1. Happy New Year, Dr. Summer! As we start 2022, any sage advice to kick off the new year for our readers?
Oh, good question! I would say to take a couple of days out of the month of January to do some self-reflection. Decide what it is that you want to accomplish this year. It is time to stop pushing those goals and passions aside. If you have buried your passions over the years, because life got in the way, it is the year to raise those passions back up and do something about them. Take those couple of days in January and decide what two goals you want to accomplish in the next three months and how these goals align with your values.
It is important to know your values and how they align with your goals and passions. This will help support goal achievement and personal and professional fulfillment. Identify your key values and know how they align with your goals, set up objective to reach those goals, and stop waiting! Jump in and create a plan!
Q2. I truly benefited from your Kore Women sessions---learning to identify your personal and career objectives and prioritizing them are so beneficial and valuable. Where would you suggest people who want to make changes begin?
I would begin to look at your foundation. As you know, Veronica, until you truly understand how your values align with your passions and goals, you may find yourself floundering or in a place where you are confused and unmotivated.
This absolutely does not have to be the case. I have a multi-step process to help folks regain their momentum, positive perspective, and exuberance about their focus and goals. It all starts with examining your foundation, creating a strong structure and understanding your core values mission.
Q3. Your podcasts feature folks with incredible personal and professional journeys from all walks of life. What are some of the top things you've enjoyed learning from your guests?
Oh, my goodness, another great question. With my years of working in community, in the field of human services, counseling, mental health, and now podcasting and coaching, I cherish everyone’s journey. The podcast and the incredible journeys of those featured is more proof that no matter where we come from in the world, we all experience the same emotions. However, how we move through our journeys and how we process those emotions can look very different. I love being able to share how folks from different backgrounds experience success, difficulty, confusion, trauma, resiliency, and hope. I learn from every single person featured on my podcast, which helps me better support others through coaching.
Q4. In 2022, we're hopefully emerging from pandemic life. For some, it could be a tough re-entry into life as we knew it and some things will never be the same. What are some steps you'd recommend to ease any angst or anxiety?
Yes, such great insight, Veronica. The world feels a little different, because it is. I think by knowing that we are forever changing, and life is about change this might give a little comfort to folks. Yes, Covid made us move through the world in a different way. We had to think of new ways of functioning and accomplishing our every-day tasks. We are so resilient as humans, and we must hold onto the concept that change will continue to occur whether we want it to or not. It is how we adapt or change our own patterns of behavior to alter how we want to do things in the world and accomplish our goals.
Our feelings and thoughts can really influence how we respond to any given situation. If you find that you are reacting versus responding to change, what I would suggest is to think about what you want the end result to be based on how you view a given situation. If you react to a situation, you are not allowing yourself enough of an opportunity to think about the end result that you want. When you respond, you are allowing your body and brain to adjust to the situation, and you are also giving yourself the time to think about the steps you want to take to get a better outcome. You have the power of CHOICE. This is a superpower. Do not give it away by reacting versus responding. Think of the outcome you want based on the decisions you make today.
Q5. Enquiring minds want to know--what are your plans for 2022?
My plans…. Well, I want to continue to support folks with their goals and dreams through coaching. I will be reaching my 200th episode this year of The KORE Women podcast, where I may just find myself in New York City celebrating with other podcasters and entrepreneurs. I am currently helping some folks set-up their incredible campaigns. I have another show, The Life, Love & Money Show with Summer & Jen, where we go live every week on Instagram and post videos about life, love, money, and emerging entrepreneurship on our YouTube channel. I want to further develop this brand and get this show on the radio. I am also a lifestyle writer and published around the globe, so I plan to continue this, and I am in talks about a book collaboration. I have also started on my second book. It is going to be an amazing year. I am excited about what I am going to create in 2022!
Dr. Summer, thank you so much for being my guest today--your inspiration and enthusiasm is greatly appreciated! To learn more about her programs and offerings, check out these sites:
KORE Women YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf5GH2n5JM1HuRBIzWgDPLg
Instagram: @KOREWomen
The Life, Love & Money YouTube page:
Instagram: Thelifeloveandmoneyshow
Bring it on 2022, let's do this! It's Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

Cherrywood Hall or Bust!
This January, it's a return to the vineyard to finish up this latest tale! My note to self--there will be no more trying to get a book written in December, LOL. The lights, festivities and yummies proved to be too much of a temptation for this writer. Throw in a lingering dose of Omicron and well...as the sign says, SIP happens, and that means not much writing was done. I'm back on track and excited to be in the writing zone once again. Stay tuned...a #BookCover reveal for Blood on the Vines is coming soon!

Hope and inspiration this week from the writers of Twitter...
Author Martha Perez, A Peaceful Promise, 5⭐
What better way to start off the new year than with a book filled with inspiring stories, uplifting anecdotes, and whimsical pictures to soothe the soul and ease the mind! Author Perez's collection in 'A Peaceful Promise' offers readers an escape to a quiet place, to reflect on life's endeavors and challenges, with a promise of new beginnings and the spark of hope and encouragement we all need from time to time.
Her messages are heart felt and down to earth, gracious and compassionate.
I particularly enjoyed the topics discussing perfection, overthinking, and believing in the possibilities life has to offer. Her examples and suggestions offer readers the baby steps to take to avoid becoming overwhelmed when dealing with emotions and goals. I enjoyed reading a chapter or two each day, savoring the content and reflecting on my personal situations and next steps.
Author Perez has written an inspirational tome, perfect for these challenging times and the start of the new year. Taking the time to assess and reflect on personal growth and objectives is always a good idea--a highly recommended read!
Next up in the #AmReading queue:

Another Year Older...Here's to New Opportunities!
The holidays end with a bang for me--Christmas, New Year's and then bam, a January 3rd birthday---the clock struck midnight and I'm into my sixty-fourth year! As many have said before me, I don't feel 64, LOL...I'm super excited for this year's activities and travels (#KnockWood)--let's see where this year takes us!
Welcome to my writer's world. Wishing you a most excellent 2022!
Crowns and Kisses,
P.S. Since the vineyard at Cherrywood Hall has me thinking all things vino, we're heading off to explore some local wineries for #VinspirationResearch (😁🍷 My new term, yes, I went there, LOL). First up, Temecula and the The Cave at Oak Mountain Winery, here we come (click on the pic to learn more)! Gemma and Rikkhe approve 💖👑
*Picture courtesy of Pinterest
Thank you, UberHappy, time to fit 'er dun! Summer has been such an inspiration; I look forward to following her podcasts and doing more 're-boot' work in 2022. Martha's book was a pleasure to read and a great book to start the new year with. Here's to a super 2022! 💖👑
Thanks to your post Veronica and the energy of Dr. Summer Watson, I am truly energized for the new year! Hope you are feeling better! Happy writing!
What a kickass way to start the new year! “Choice is a superpower!” No kidding! Dr. Summer is an amazing human and kudos to you for taking those steps to move towards your dreams and goals! I have suggested her coaching to so many people and am thrilled to be in the company of you both!
Huge congrats on the new title! Love the log line ‘Sip Happens!’ I think we all can relate to that. I’m thinking I need to write new kinds of stories so that visiting vinyards is research! Lol!
Congrats to Martha Perez on her latest and for the 5⭐️ Review! She has a ton of heart and soul and understands the work it…