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Writer's pictureVeronica Cline Barton

Veronica’s #WritersDiary, Keeping My #Muse Amused!

As #writers all know, if the #Muse ain’t happy, ain’t no writin’ gettin’ done! So much fun the past few weeks roaming the grounds again at Cherrywood Hall with Gemma and friends. My muse has been extremely cooperative this latest round of writing, and I’m very grateful. It takes a lot of blood, sweat, and inspiration to keep your writing muse happy (Well, more like Gin/St Germain martinis and credit cards, but you know what I mean, at least for my almost royal little darling!).

You can pretty much bet that my #muse is stylin’ her boots and crowns, are you surprised? As you can see from the feature picture, she likes her sparkle, the more the merrier. We’re up at all hours these days as the ideas are unleashed and the creative juices flow. It’s Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

three books genre sellers

I’m very heads down now with the writing of Book 4. It’s crunch time for me. i apologize for not being around as much in the Twitter-verse, but duty calls. I have some very anxious readers who are dying to know what happens next. Mustn’t disappoint!

I’m pleased to debut the #BookTrailer for cast, Crew, & Carnage; the Filming of Castlewood Manor.  Author Aimee’Marie Bejarano (@books_hooks) has worked her design magic once more. I love how the #booktrailers are turning out and am excited to use them in marketing and promoting my books. Remember, “Every novel needs one”. Aimee’ is having a sale now until the end of April, $75 for a book trailer, $15 for a teaser. You can reach her on FB: or email : .

And now making its blog debut, in 3-2-1:

Very excited to use Mark Schultz’s (@wordrefiner) proofing services. Edits and proofing can make or break your book. I’ve worked with Mark several times now with his blog interviews. I’ve reserved his proofing services for Book 4.  Time to get rid of  those ‘handful of spelling errors’. 🙂 #JustSayin Check out Mark’s services,

go away reading

I’ve had the opportunity to read some thought provoking books from the Twitter #Writing Community this past week:

Author Stefan Angelina McElvain, Alex, (Origins Book 1), 5 STARS

Author McElvain’s story of Alex tells a coming of age story like no other–tapping into sexual exploration, mind/body connections that border on the paranormal, and the erotic human needs and sexual drives that cause some to flourish, and some to wither from existence. Abandoned as a baby, Alex comes of age in an orphanage with a limited future. Alex is different, born as a hermaphrodite, with a unique physiology that gifts her/him with male and female organs, and their accompanying sexuality and urges.

Her/his sexual curiosity results in self-impregnation, and Alex decides to leave for the City of Angels, and hopefully a life that offers more opportunities. The impregnation results in an unforeseen ability for Alex to read and learn new subject matters at an astonishing rate, a gift of knowledge and awareness he/she will learn to use to his/her ultimate advantage, as he/she merges in with the wealthiest, and seediest, of Los Angeles society.

This is a story of survival and rebirth of sorts as Alex comes of age, and comes to own his/her uniqueness, taking it to the heights of power, wealth and revenge. The mind/body connection between Alex and her/his offspring is a unique twist that raises many questions of their future relationships.  Be forewarned, there is explicit erotic, sexual content. A steamy read with unexpected twists.

Author Anna Casamento Arrigo, All Red: a collection of poetry), 5 STARS

I have come to love poetic reads, and Author Casamento Arrigo does not disappoint. Her poems take you through the emotions of new love, love lost, and the survival of recovery. You’ll tear up at the anger, the hopelessness, the frustrations. And laugh with the joys and exhilarations even the smallest of  victories can bring.

I enjoyed the travel through time, the words transporting me to my own experiences as I came of age. A lovely added bonus to this book are the vibrant drawings and prints that accompany each poem, done by artist Gregory Anthony Stone. The visuals and words are a readers magic.

All Red is a book you can read, and read, and read again, whenever you need a boost to your thoughts to renew your spirit. A lovely read for the heart and soul.

Next up in the reading queue:

Ebbie spying on me as I write

The #Muse isnt the only one keeping me on my #writing toes…

I had to show a #CaturdayCuteness photo–this time with our little black beauty, Ebbie. As I was in the #writingzone this past Sunday, I looked up to see Ebbie watching me intensely. And I thought my writing #Muse was tough!

Getting ready to cruise…

So excited for an upcoming cruise Hubby and I are taking in May, taking us from London, to Ireland, Wales, Scotland and ending in Bergen, Norway. I’m even more excited to get to meet some of my Tweeps who live near the destination cities! This year marks our twentieth anniversary and to celebrate we’re making some fun trips. Stay tuned!

Welcome to my #writing world. Enjoy the rest of your week and weekend, friends!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. Viking Ocean Cruises, British Isles Explorer  Gemma would approve 🙂

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