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Writer's pictureVeronica Cline Barton

Veronica’s #WritersDiary, From Sea to Shining Sea; #Celebrating the Red, White, & Blue

Well hello, July—we started off with a bang with #CanadaDay for our friends up north on Monday, and now it’s happy #4thofJulyEve for those of us in the U.S.A.! Halfway through the year (hard to believe) and time to have a little fireworks and BBQ fun to celebrate the 4th of July holiday. This is one of my favorite holidays of summer–time to reflect on the year to date, set (or reset) some halfway through the year resolutions (never too late!), and be grateful for all the blessings around you. Our plans include partying with friends and family and attending the huge fireworks display at the town lake.

I have my menu planned (see below). This year’s theme is ‘Under the Californian Sun’ (okay I’m not in Tuscany but can enjoy the flavors and ambiance of a Tuscan filled feast to fill our summer tummies–must keep that spirit of #Hygge going 🙂 ).  We have all new lights installed around the pool to make sure the international space station can see us (I kid you not…), the bar has been replenished, and the patio is decked out in red, white and blue splendor. It’s Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

three books genre sellers

#AmEditing #AmRevising: I’m working on the final edits/revision suggestions from the fabulous Theresa Snyder (@Theresasnyder19) who has done an outstanding job of helping me with book 4. The feedback from the #betareaders has been fantastic, and I know the final product will be very #query ready! I cannot recommend Theresa’s services enough! If you’re in need, please check out her services here:

After these next revisions, the book 4 manuscript goes in for a final scrub by the talented Mark Schultz (@wordrefiner)!  I’m shooting to get rid of ‘those handful of errors’, LOL.

#AmWritingAnd just when you thought you didn’t have a drop of inspiration left, you start the outlining of book 5. I am always amazed at the #writing journey, you just never know… 🙂

#AmQueryingFinalizing my initial list of agents and agencies to start submissions to in a few weeks. I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has sent me their suggestions, leads and words of wisdom. You have been so helpful. #ThankYou!

a young girl reading fragonard 1771

What great #SummerReads from the #writers of Twitter! This week I traveled 250 years through time with an historical fiction, multigenerational masterpiece!

Author M. L. Holton, Trillium, 5 STARS

Three men, three families, and 250 years of life stories and secrets flow through this masterful tale by author M.L. Holton. War between the British and French comes to an end, at the dawn of a new Canada. Land is royally granted, setting up the beginning of unimaginable fortunes and business opportunities for the few, agricultural livelihoods supporting generations for others, and power schemes fueled by jealousy and envy for some that will do anything to get their way.

The Trillium storyline is magnificent in the way it has been structured, moving the reader seamlessly through the happenings in each family generation and disclosing the decisions that will impact descendants in the future. Author Holton cleverly ties in historical events to the fictional families and agricultural details of the region that yield surprising new ventures, giving you several ‘ah-hah’ moments that this reader enjoyed.

As the family destinies play out, the lives of the rich and famous, as well as those of more modest means unfold over the decades, giving you an insight to their love lives, fated relationships, family tragedies, scheming personalities, joys and dreams as the generations within the families grow and adapt to this wonderous land. The sadness of lives lost, cruel deeds, revenge driven intentions, illness and lost hope will keep you turning page after page to see how the characters will react—and who will survive and thrive, or not.

The surroundings detailed in Trillium pull you in to witness the beauty and splendor of the land, grand homes, and the drama as it unfolds. I couldn’t put this book down–I was enchanted and mesmerized by the storylines of the families, the characters, and settings from beginning to end. The scope and depth of this story is fantastically told, taking you through generations of family love, hope and drama—slowly revealing the secrets that will bind these families together forever. A fantastic read, highly recommended!

Next in the #reading queue:

under the tuscan sun cookbook

This time on the #Hygge food front; flavors of Tuscany…

Author Frances Mayes captured many of our hearts with her tales of rennovating Bramasole and the life change it made for her. I’m a big fan and have read and enjoyed her stories of the perfecto dolci vita lifestyle and attitude. The Tuscan Sun Cookbook is a treasure trove of yummy dishes, just in time to celebrate the 4th, ‘Under the Californian Sun’ way!

This year our menu includes grilled steaks and shrimps (marinated in fresh herbs, balsamic vinegar and butter); caprese salad; prosciutto and melon; grilled corn salad; and a basil and mint sorbetto (with a squeeze of lemon)! I’m so excited to use the fresh herbs Hubby planted in our little garden–bellissimo!

The Tuscan Sun Cookbook can be purchased at #Amazon and other fine resellers.

xmas condo

Farewell to our little beach condo…

Just in time for a bit of #ChristmasinJuly nostalgia, it’s time for us to say good-bye to our little condo at the beach. Best of luck and joyful times to its new owners. We enjoyed our visits there, but it’s time to move on and look for a another retreat to set up some part time roots and make new memories. I feel the call of the mountains, or maybe an island paradise….time will tell, stay tuned!

Welcome to my world! Enjoy the rest of your #week and #weekend friends!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. Have a wonderful 4th of July holiday–kick up those heels and put on the crowns! Gemma would approve 🙂

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