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Writer's pictureVeronica Cline Barton

Veronica’s #WritersDiary, April Happy Dance

Well hello, April! Hard to believe that a quarter of the year has whizzed by. Spring has sprung and I for one am very excited! No, not because warmer weather has arrived, I’m still craving cold and rainy days, thank you. I’m excited because I have finished the 4th book in my series, bring out the bubbly!

Writing this book has been very emotional for me, for there are many changes being made at Cherrywood Hall in this story. I’ve laughed out loud and cried a bundle as the characters and their antics once again stole my heart. As with the other books, the story took on a life of its own. I’m always amazed how the twists and turns play out at the end, surprise! It’s Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

three books genre sellers

Next up, the title, book cover design, and the wonderful world of #amediting. For some reason, unlike the other books, I am still deciding the final title for book 4. I’m torn between two ideas and unsure which path I’ll go down. you’d think after writing twenty chapters and 85K+ words I’d have it by now, but noooo…. My step-daughter Danielle is once again designing the cover and I can’t wait to see what she comes up with. Finally, now comes the fun part, editing! I won’t be alone, the fabulous Theresa Snyder will be at my side to wade through the content. The next few months will be tons of fun, I’m sure!

The #BookTrailers are completed for all three published works and I just want to say thank you one more time to Author Aimee’Marie Bejarano (@books_hooks). I think the #booktrailers are great, and I’m excited to use them in marketing and promoting my books. Remember, “Every novel needs one”.  You can reach her on FB: or email : Pssst, she’s a delight to work with too! Take a look below, I’m very pleased!

The Crown for Castlewood Manor

Cast, Crew, & Carnage; the Filming of Castlewood Manor

Deadly Receptions; the Debut of Castlewood Manor

go away reading

I’ve had less reading time this week as I completed my book, so the Lenders II read by author Travis Borne is still in progress. I’m thoroughly enjoying it, the high tech infusion is fascinating to me and this one takes you to places you’d never expect! Travis’ series is a great one for sure. I’m posting the review I did in January for the first book, and promise to have the review for Lenders II posted next week! Sci Fi fan or not, you’ll definitely want to read his books!

Author Travis Borne, Lender’s: The Unlicensed Consciousness, 5 STARS

Author Travis Borne takes you on a mind blowing sci fi trek to the future where man is no longer the dominant species on the planet. Machines rule the world with an artificial intelligence that feeds on the minds of men, proving in vivid, disastrous detail the adage ‘be careful what you wish for’. Author Borne takes us back and forth in time as we learn how the technology developers of the past placed a deadly mortgage on humans in the future—and how the human spirit and consciousness is never quite quenched as the surviving few try to break free in the machine controlled, AI world.

The technology details and presumptions were fascinating to me, showing a path of human devolution that could quite possibly happen. The characters and settings are described in vivid detail as the reader time travels from club debauchery to software development labs to dodging killer drones in a wasted land to the lender map locations that must be consciousness swept every day if man is to survive, or else. Did the developers of the past foresee the destruction of the future? Is there a way to escape the AI shackles of the future? This was a page turning read for me and I am so glad Lenders II: The Time Tribulations is out, for I will be back. A suspense filled sci fi read, highly recommended!

Next up in the reading queue:

banff ghost girl

Writing Fun with Author Bibiana Krall

I’m a huge fan of Bibiana’s, she has a way with words that gets me every time. I also admire her creativity and support to the #WritingCommunity. She’s always trying new technologies and challenges to keep us on our toes and have a little fun. This week I was inspired to try a flash fiction challenge she threw over the Twitter wall to me, my first!

I took this picture of a painting at the Fairmont in Banff and sent it to Bibiana. I was intrigued by the light reflections on the glass of the painting and the haunted beauty of the young lady. If you look closely at the painting, you’ll see it’s a clever artistic combination of a young woman, both as an adult and child (pssst, look at her hands).

Bibiana posted our stories on her blog a few days ago. Take a look at the flash fiction results here (And wander around her website too, it’s gorgeous!):

Five weeks ’til the big cruise and I can’t wait!

The first few days of our trip will be spent in London and Greenwich, before we depart for the deep blue seas around the isles. We’ll be spending the first nights not far from the feature picture image on the blog–can’t wait to get a snap of another gorgeous sunset. The excursions planned include a private trip back to Hampton Court Palace and tea at the Savoy, my character’s favorite London place to be. I’ve been starting the packing trying to find extra room for my beloved boots and shoes (and maybe a crown for good measure). More details on the port stops in the next few weeks!

Welcome to my #writing world. Enjoy the rest of your week and weekend, friends.

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. This post is made in loving memory of Ray Ryan, a true friend and gentleman—father and grandfather of our lovely neighbors. You will be missed.  🙂 Gemma would approve.

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