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  • Writer's pictureVeronica Cline Barton

Veronica's #WritersDiary: A Welcome Change of Season

“Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.” — Henry David Thoreau

#HappyApril! For this post I am super excited because...I'm not here! Or, I should say, as you're reading, I'm flying. ✈ April has ushered in a trip to Albuquerque to attend the Left Coast Crime's Southwest Sleuths, mystery conference (more on this in another post). After months of #lockdownian (my new word, I kind of like it) living, we're finally headed out to a beautiful, southwest city to immerse ourselves in loads of marvelous, mystery-filled conversation--in person (gasp)! We'll also be catching up with a few friends we haven't seen in years and one writer friend I can't wait to meet in person (the fabulous Sandy Bazinet)!

The feature pic this week is from my fav garden at the Tudor royal abode, Hampton Court Palace. I've been thinking about it as I finished writing Blood on the Vines. There were conversations concerning the last visit Gemma and Kyle had at this royal palace in the latter chapters that brought a few tears to my eyes. Hope to return there one day soon... 💖👑

Here's to a joyful, spring season---wishing you a fabulous month of April with many happy adventures! It's Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

Ta-dah! Here's the new #booktrailer for Blood on the Vines! 🍇💀🍷

Hueg, huge thanks to the fabulous Bibiana Krall and her Compass Bespoke Services for this latest trailer! It's always so exciting to see your stories come to life. I hope you'll enjoy my new #Winedunnit! (Another new word that I think fits this story quite well, LOL!) 💖👑 Who's ready to go to the spring fete? Dun-Dun-Dun... 🍇💀🍷

Join us for the next #MurdersWeWrite chat, “Tropes and Themes: Let’s Get HISTORICAL!

Bibiana Krall, Amy Reade and Cynthia Raleigh will be leading the discussion on all things tropes and themes for you #HistFic mystery fans (alas, I will be on an airplane and will miss this one)! Join the #MurdersWeWrite chat on Sunday, Apr 10 at 4:00 PM EDT on the @clubhouse app!

Four seasons in the lovely French countryside this week from the writers of Twitter...

Author Janine Marsh, My Four Seasons in France, A Year of the Good Life, 5

Ah, to live the good life in the French countryside! If you're not quite ready to have your own abode in a foreign land, Author Marsh gives a delightful view of life in the French village that captured her heart. Month by month, we'll get her insider's view of domestic happenings, trips to neighboring towns, the weather's ups and downs, events and holidays, and of course the wonderful foods and spirits enjoyed in each of the seasons.

I enjoy Author Marsh's charming, downhome, narrative style. Her neighbors and friends are a delight, and let's not forget all the animals who have made their home with the Marsh's! This was an enchanting read, and someday, I hope to travel and enjoy the scenery and foods of the region in person. Until then, this is the next best thing for minds that love to travel and explore--a highly recommended read!

Next up in the #reading queue:

Field trip to Roger's Gardens!

The OH and I had a field trip to visit the Roger's Gardens nursery this week in Newport. The shops and displays were filled with spring beauty and Easter finery.

👈I soooo wanted this diamond ring wind chime! Pssst...Gemma does too...

☝The blue and white pottery with complementary florals looked divine under the crystal chandelier. I love this color combo.

The bunnies were so cute!👇

These mossy, gnome-shaped feeders with succulents would make a wonderful birdie nest!👇

But, lest we forget it's only 6-ish + months or so 'til the #spooky season's a few teasers of things to come...👇

No matter what the season, Roger's Gardens is a fabulous place to visit to get into the spirit. We ate lunch at their yummy restaurant too. The Booster martini is highly recommended... #Cheers

Welcome to my world. Enjoy your week and weekend friends!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. Tune in next week for an author chat with the awesome, Amy Reade! We'll be discussing what she's been up to and get the latest on her new release in the Capy May Historical Mystery Collection, A Traitor Among Us! Gemma and Rikkhe approve 💖👑

Pssst, you can pre-order your copy here, just click on the book cover!👇

20 views4 comments


Apr 07, 2022

That trailer is AMAZING. I can't wait to read Blood on the Vines. I hope you have a super time in NM at Left Coast Crime. Maybe one of these years I'll be able to join you there. And I lovelovelove the photos from the nursery and Hampton Court Palace. Adding My Four Seasons in France to the TBR!

Looking forward to being your guest next week!


Apr 06, 2022

Oh your book trailer! Splendid! Joy and delight blooming for you in this new season- savor it! Can’t wait to hear more about the conference.


Apr 06, 2022

What a fabulous post, as always! Love the photos and Roger's Gardens looks amazing. That diamond ring! Wow! Looking forward so much to Blood on the Vines and now I want to go to a fete because of that awesome trailer! Three cheers for meeting up with friends and a real life, in-person mystery conference too! Your cup runneth over! See you on Clubhouse! Have a fabulous time and safe travels. xox

Veronica Cline Barton
Veronica Cline Barton
Apr 06, 2022
Replying to

Thanks so much, UberHappy---it's going to be a fun week for sure! Thank you again for the fantabulous book trailer for Blood on the Vines! xo 💖👑

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