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Veronica’s #WritersDiary, A Week in #Reflection…

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…” I thought I’d start with an excerpt from the opening of Charles Dickens’,  A Tale of Two Cities this week. To me, it described the flood of emotions I felt as the events of the past week unfolded. Many times I sat speechless in front of the television, watching in horror and dismay the cause and the after-effects that triggered an unleashing of rage across the country. The pain and disgust from all perspectives is real and cannot be denied.

Some of my worst of times social fears and pandemic predictions are now happening, and I think more than a few wounds will never heal, at least not in my lifetime. The virus rages on, and so much for masks, #lockdown and social distancing. In some areas here in SoCal, the COVID testing has been ceased. But that just may be the least of our worries—the silence from the government leadership has been deafening. No matter what your faith or political beliefs, it may be a good time to light a candle, and pray/wish/meditate/vote for the healing to begin…

red rose candle sea

I think I speak for many of us now that we’re in the month of June–for 2020, we’re more than ready for the best of times to kick in (can I get an #Amen?)….It’s Wednesday, time for #DearDiary:

The #editing is completed! And now to publishing and marketing!

One golden nugget, at least for me this week, is the completion of the final edits on the Double Trouble, Showtime at Castlewood Manor manuscript! I’m working on the back cover ‘blurbs’ and taglines this week to get the publishing efforts started soon. Stay tuned for upcoming reveals!

reading is my superpower

An epic fantasy battle is brewing this week from the #writers of Twitter…

Author Emmy Bennett, Wynter Reign, (Storm Bloodline Saga, Book Three), 5 STARS

Wynter Storm’s training and transformation has begun to prepare her for her future role as queen and lead the fight against the evil Sarmira. She struggles to accept her new position and let go of her familiar past, but understands that many are depending on her to lead the fight. To move forward, she must learn and remember the secrets of her family’s past, achieve her trials, and accept her destiny–guided by the elders that will aide her transition.

Her family and allies take on a mission to save those in the past who can help defeat Sarmira in the imminent battle. The diverse species combine their powers and skills to reach the ones who are crucial participants, rescuing Redmae, who must be by Wynter’s side. We hear from many of them first hand in this story, giving us insights into their personalities, strengths and weaknesses. They face untold dangers as they make their moves, with their alliance tested at times as they face the unknowns and build their fragile trust of one another.

Author Bennett’s third book in the Storm Bloodline Saga weaves a fantastical tale of the world of Ladorielle and the species determined to unite and fight the clutches of the evil Sarmira. Time is growing short for the new alliances as the Super Blue Blood Moon approaches, signaling the start of the ultimate conflict. Will Wynter finally understand and accept her destiny, and more importantly, forgive the grandmother that inflicted so much pain? Will her allies return with the souls from the past that must be by her side in the epic battle that approaches? I can’t wait for the next book–this is an thrill filled, enchanting series, laced with inspirational growth and transformation– highly recommended!

Next up in the #reading queue:

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Extra, extra! Tune into the YouTube #BOOKEM channel at 1:45 pm EDT today!

Guess who’s up on deck for the 2nd installment of the #BOOKEM channel discussions later today? It’s moi, bedecked in a glittery tiara and chatting about all things books. This past week I did more than, ahem, a few takes to get my chat together (gasp). I’m definitely not a video professional, but at least I tried and kept a smile on my face. This week I’ll be chatting about my series and specifically the Mistletoe and Mayhem, Yuletide at Castlewood Manor book; a few words on life in the #quarantine zone; and finally talk about a great cozy mystery book I’ve read of Amy Reade’s—Be My Valencrime! You can still check out Bibiana Krall’s chat from our debut last week if you missed it. Up next after me, is fellow #BOOKEM author, Amy Reade! I hope you take a few moments to check our chats out, and hopefully get a little bit to smile about to brighten your day. You can find us here:

Welcome to my world. Enjoy the rest of your #week and #weekend friends!

Crowns and Kisses,


P.S. A HUGE thank you to all of you who follow and read my weekly posts! I just passed the 153 post mark as it turns out, wowza! Thank you so much for your support—Gemma and Rikkhe most definitely approve 🙂

thankful for sweet friends like you
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